Check whether the tyre pressure is normal, whether the tread has been cut, whether the steel ring is debed and damaged, whether the screws are locked or not. Check whether the rear support and fork are debed, cracked, and the fork is bed properly. Check the tightness of the mast chain. Check that the lamp system is broken and whether the roof is debed or cracked.
Open the hood and check the cooling water level. Check engine oil level. Check that the fan belt is cracked and worn. Check the water level of the battery electrolyte. Check hydraulic oil level. Check brake oil level. Put down the hood, get on the bus and sit down. Adjust seat to proper b. Tilt the steering wheel to the desired b. Check that the speakers are functioning properly. Check if the brake pedal is normal. Try to pedal the accelerator pedal properly. Try on the clutch pedal properly. (manual gear type) test whether the pedal is normal. (automatic transmission models) operation of the parking brake lever is normal.