PVC plastic waterstop is composed of grade PVC resin and various chemical additives, water mixing, granulating and extruding process and made with products.PVC塑料止水带主要用于混凝土浇注时设置在施工缝及变形缝内与混凝土构成为一体的基础工程。如隧道、涵洞、引水渡槽、拦水坝、贮液构筑物、地下设施等。塑料止水带充分利用聚氯乙烯树脂具有的弹性变形特性在建筑构造接缝中起到防漏、防渗作用,且具有耐腐蚀、耐久性好的特点。
In the bing of plastic water stop, to make it and the concrete interface leveling, can not appear "water stop", "flip", "distortion" and so on, otherwise should be timely adjustment. When pouring the fixed water stop belt, the water stop belt should be prevented from shifting and the sealing effect will be affected. The joint of the water stop belt can be firmly secured by bonding and heat welding. In the process of pouring concrete, attention should be paid to the full shock and tamping so as to achieve the full combination of the water stopping belt and the concrete.