1, if it is necessary to spread the road before installing expansion joints, in order to ensure a good level of pavement, it should be paved pavement, and then slotted installation expansion joints. Before paving the road, must first b the reserved space and filled with sand filled foam board, or graded sand gravel bag slot. In order to control the elevation of backfill will not pollute the asphalt and pre buried steel should be designed to prevent spreading equipment for crushing and pre buried steel, continuous pavement paving.3、在安装伸缩缝时,下缝前应认真检查槽内预埋钢筋,若发现裂缝或折断,位置不当或间隙过大,必须采取补救措施。要保证沿缝方向每米范围内至少有1根预埋钢筋与毛勒伸缩缝的锚环牢固焊接。应该认真检查XF型桥梁伸缩缝质量,若发现变形或两钢梁间距不一致时,应进行修整。必要时,还应根据安装时的环境温度调整毛勒伸缩缝的钢梁间距。应将XF型桥梁伸缩装置缓缓放入槽内,使缝中心线与实际预留缝中心线相重合,偏差不得超过10mm,同时使钢边梁内边保持垂直。XF型桥梁伸缩缝就位后,应根据纵、横坡和标高调整其钢梁顶面比相邻沥青混凝土路面低1~2mm,不得超出路面标高。
1. The expansion joint of the bridge is made of extruded Q345 (ASTM, A709Grade50) steel with high strength. The section steel is a tooth type structure, which increases the expansion amount and improves the running stability. The utility model is suitable for the expansion joint of the highway and the urban road, and can well adapt to the longitudinal displacement of the bridge.
4, W type neoprene bescopic sealing strip bded in the steel, waterproof and dustproof perbance is good.