德国蒂森焊材Thyssen简介如下:注:(因为资料太多,网站上只上了一部分,如有需要来电索要) 抗蠕变低合金钢电焊条(SMAW Electrodes for Creep Resistant Low-Alloyed Steels)
细晶粒低合金结构钢电焊条 (Fine Grained Low-Alloyed Structural Steels SMAW
低温钢实心、药芯焊丝(Low-Alloyed Structural Steels GTAW rods/wires, GMAW,
高强钢实心焊丝(High Tensile Steels GTAW rods/wires and GMAW w
抗蠕变钢实心、药芯焊丝(Creep Resistant Low-Alloyed Steels GTAW rods/wires, GMAW
低温钢实心、药芯焊丝(Low-Alloyed Structural Steels GTAW rods/wires, GMAW,
高强钢实心焊丝(High Tensile Steels GTAW rods/wires and GMAW
抗蠕变钢实心、药芯焊丝(Creep Resistant Low-Alloyed Steels GTAW rods/wires, GMAW
耐大气腐蚀钢实心焊丝(Weatherproof Steels GMAW wires)