联系人:张经理 13933002678
The above content we take you to understand, after use, not timely cleaning "51" hand gourd parts above impurities harm. In order to avoid parts damage caused by impurities and operational failures, please bly clean and maintain magazines. Second, transmission parts flying player hoist, must ensure that the transmission part of the various components of the hand chain hoist without missing teeth, excessive wear, lubrication of internal parts must be timed and avoid serious wear. Third, flying player hoist brake parts, brake parts on the relationship between the hoist safe use, so it is necessary to ensure no oil, excessive wear and cracks, so as to ensure the reliability of operation.
① 禁止超重操作,如果我们的的货物为3T的话最好选择5T的手拉葫芦来操作,不要使用3T的手拉葫芦进行极限使用,这样可以极大的延长飞鸽牌手拉葫芦的使用寿命。禁止摔或者碰手拉葫芦,防止内部零部件出现损坏影响手拉葫芦的正常运行。③ 禁止横拉或者斜拉操作,防止脱钩的现象发生。④ 禁止多台飞鸽牌手拉葫芦对同一重物进行起重操作。⑤ 手拉葫芦的链条在使用时一定要捋顺,不得扭曲以及打结。⑥ 更换链条以及进行维修拆装的话一定要寻找专业的师傅进行,如不懂内部构造禁止私自拆装手拉葫芦。⑦ 防止手拉葫芦的表面尤其是链条出现断裂,腐蚀和变现等情况的发生,如发现应当及时处理,以免发生工作危险或者对手拉葫芦造成二次损坏。⑧ 如果我们在操作手拉葫芦的过程中发现有卡壳或者手拉力突然增大的情况应当立即禁止起重操作,这时严禁加大力度再次操作手拉葫芦。
The above content we take you to understand, after use, not timely cleaning "51" hand gourd parts above impurities harm. In order to avoid parts damage caused by impurities and operational failures, please bly clean and maintain magazines. Second, transmission parts flying player hoist, must ensure that the transmission part of the various components of the hand chain hoist without missing teeth, excessive wear, lubrication of internal parts must be timed and avoid serious wear. Third, flying player hoist brake parts, brake parts on the relationship between the hoist safe use, so it is necessary to ensure no oil, excessive wear and cracks, so as to ensure the reliability of operation.