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Users are prohibited from overloading and lifting. It is difficult for the user to grasp the lifting of the overload, and the pulling force of the handle will cause the shaking in the lifting. You know, the high quality of the dove handpulling hoistis lifting, trb, drop, calibration function, according to his design principle can also use vertical lifting transverse. Flying hand hoist safe and efficient everybody be obvious to people, said no more words into today's content, brief introduction about flying hand hoist fastening weight.
A lot of friends using dove hand hoist is used for fastening bs, everyone will encounter car loading handling equipment or heavy weight, a car full of you need to fasten it. Look at our pigeon hand hoist is how to work. The dove hand hoist shifting block is adjusted to the raised b, and then use the hook on the car body, pull hook under the other side of the body, the handle is right the lifting chain in the tightening state can be