产品标准 Standard 本产品按GB12706《额定电压35KV及以下铜芯、铝芯塑料绝缘电力电缆》标准生产,同时还可根据用户需要按国际电工委员会推荐标准IEC、英国标准、德国标准及美国标准生产。 The product is manufactured according to the standard of GB12706 or IEC , BS , DIN and ICEA upon request 适合范围 Applications 本产品适用于额定电压35KV及以下配电网或工业装置中固定敷设之用。 The product is suitable for use in power distribution networks or fixed installations for industrial equipments with rated voltage up to and including 35KV. 使用特性 Operating characteristics 1、 ● 额定电压3.6/6KV~26/35KV交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆 XLPE Insulated Electrical Cable for rated power frequency voltage Uo/U:3.6/6KV~26/35KV. ● 电缆导体的允许长期最高工作温度为90℃。 Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of conductor:90℃ ● 短路时(最长持续时间不超过5s)电缆导体的最高温度不超过250℃。 Max.short-circuit temperature of conductor shall not exceed 250℃.(5s Max. Duration) ● 敷设电缆时环境温度应不低于0℃。 The bending radius of single-core cable shall not less than 20 times of the cable diameter The bending radius of three-cores cable shall not less than 15 times of the cable diameter 2、 ● 额定电压0.6/1kv交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆 XLPE Insulated Electrical Cable for rated power frequency voltage Uo/U : 0.6/1KV ● 电缆导体的允许长期最高工作温度为90℃。 Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of conductor : 90℃ ● 短路时(最长持续时间不超过5s)电缆导体的最高温度不超过250 ℃ Max.short-circuit temperature of the conductor shall not exceed 250 ℃ ● 敷设电缆时环境温度应不低于0 ℃ The ambient temperature under installation shall not below 0 ℃ ● 电缆弯曲半径不小于电缆外径15倍 The bending radius of a cable shall not less than 15 times of the cable diameter . 3、 ● 额定电压0.6/1KV聚氯乙烯绝缘电力电缆。 PVC Insulated Electrical Cable for rated power frequency voltage Uo/U : 0.6/1KV ● 电缆导体的允许长期最高工作温度为70 ℃ Max.permissible continuous operating temperature of conductor : 70 ℃ ● 短路时(最长持续时间不超过5s)电缆导体最高温度不超过:160℃ Max.short-circuit temperature of the conductor shall not exceed :160℃ ● 敷设电缆时环境温度应不低于0 ℃ The ambient temperature under installation shall not below 0 ℃ ● 电缆弯曲半径不小于电缆外径10倍 The bending radius of a cable shall not be less than 10 times of the cable diameter. 电缆额定电压的选择 Voltage designation ● 电缆的额定电压应适合于电缆使用系统的运行状况,用Uo/U(Um)kv表示。 Uo—电缆设计用的导体与屏蔽或金属套之间的额定工频电压; U—电缆设计用的导体之间的额定工频电压; Um—设备可承受的“最高系统电压”的最大值。