1. 可靠性高,抗干扰能力强
软件措施:故障检测、信息保护和恢复、警戒时 钟(死循环报警)、程序检验
2. 使用灵活,通用性强
3. 编程方便,易于掌握
采用与继电器电路极为相似的梯形图语言,直观易懂, SFC 功能图,使编程更简单方便。
4. 接口简单,维护方便
5. 功能完善,性价比高
除逻辑控制,定时计数,数字运算外,配合特殊功能模块还可以实现点位控制, PID 运算,过程控制,数字控制等功能,还可与上位机通信,远程控制等。
【产品优势】专业销售 薄利多销 信誉好,价格低,货期短,服务周到
Ashcroft 60 1009S 04L General Service Pressure Gauge
Ashcroft B424B Pressure Switch 15A 125/250/480VAC 15PSI
Ashcroft B722T XFM Pressure Switch 125/250V 5A 30 PSI
Ashcroft Duragauge Pressure Gauge 4 1/2" 100 PSI
Ashcroft Pressure Gauge 160 PSI
Ashcroft Q-8962 Industrial Duralife Gauge 0-350 PSI
ASI Model 93 Temperature Limit Switch
Astro Dyne Mean Well AS-100F-24/DRL Switching Power Supply
Astrophysics 35-0126C Memory Board
AT&T 1315/1320 AC-AC Power Supply
Athena 1993-JFO-TT-00-0 Temperature Controller
Athena Controls, Inc. 4000-T Temperature Controller 120/240V 2A 50/60Hz
Athena Controls, Inc. 4000-T Temperature Controller 120/240V 2A 50/60Hz
Atlas Sound C12BT60 12" 2-Way Dome Coaxial Speaker
Auburn 33947 Plug
Automated Logic RT8102 Control Module Class 2 24VAC 50/60Hz 25VA
Automatic Direct D0-06DD1 Power Supply
Automatic Switch Co. 8344G70 Solenoid Valve
Automatic Switch Co. 9206 'RC' Switch 600V 200A 60Hz
Automatic Timing & Controls 328 MOS Time Delay Relay 120V 50/60Hz 5A 1/6Hp 125-2
Automatic Timing & Controls Co. 319D016Q1C Timing Delay Relay
Automatic Timing & Controls Co. U9048H series 355 3A 125V
Automatic Valve USA L2004GAWR
Automatic Valve USA L4505AAWR-B Valve
Automatic Valve USA L4505GAWR-B Valve
Automatic Valve USA L4505GAWR-B Valve with USA 7019-9AA
Automation Concepts EK 1000 Radar Detection System
Automation Concepts EK 1000 Radar Detection System
Automation Direct D2-32ND3 Input Module 24 VDC 4-6mA Class 2
Automation Direct D-330 CPU
Automation Direct D4-32TD2 Output Module 12-24VDC
Automation Direct Direct Logic 205 D2-O3B
Automation Direct Direct Logic 205 D2-O3B
Automation Direct EA1-T6CL Micro Graphic Touch Panel
Automation Direct ECX 1030 Contact Block (Lot of 5)
Automation Direct SL4848-RR Temperature Controller 100-240V 50/60Hz 5VA
Avtron M4 Incremental Encoder 4T1XH51-P003
Axiom P21112P10100018 Panel Screen 90-264 VAC 50/60Hz 1A
Axiom P21112P10100018 Panel Screen 90-264 VAC 50/60Hz 1A
B & R Industrial 2AI300.6 Input Module 16PT Input
B & R Industrial 2D0430.6 Input Module 32PT Module
B & R Industrial 2D0430.6 Input Module 32PT Module
B&R 5E9000.02 Operator Interface Panel
B?chli AG DSE 140 Transber 800VA 50/60Hz
BACO Disconnect Switch with 2 Contact Blocks
Badger Water Meter Liters Cogent Dynamics 5/8 In
Badger Water Meter US Gallons Cogent Dynamics 5/8 In
Baldor 1DWNM35541 Inverter Drive Motor 1-1/2 HP with GG FHM0224-2 Gear Reducer
Baldor 34C432-2719 Washdown Duty Motor 208-230/460V 3.2-3/1.3A 3450RPM with Goul
Baldor CD6202 Industrial Motor Direct Current 180 Arm Volts 200/100 Field Volts
Baldor CD6202 Industrial Motor Direct Current 180 Arm Volts 200/100 Field Volts
Baldor CEWDM3710T Washdown AC Motor 7.5Hp W/ Pump
Baldor CEWDM3710T Washdown AC Motor 7.5Hp W/ Pump
Baldor CM3542 Industrial Motor 0.75 HP
Baldor CM3611T Standard Efficient Industrial Motor 208-230/460V 8.3-8.2/4.1A 175
Baldor CWDM3543 Industrial Motor 230/460V 2.6/1.3A 3/4Hp 60Hz 3Ph 1140RPM wash d
Baldor CWDM3543 Industrial Motor 230/460V 2.6/1.3A 3/4Hp 60Hz 3Ph 1140RPM wash d
Baldor Electric Company BC145 Signal Isolator 115/230VAC 50/60Hz
Baldor Electric VM3611T Industrial Motor 3HP 208-230/460V 8.5-8.2/4.1A 1725RPM 6
Baldor Electric VM3611T Industrial Motor 3HP 208-230/460V 8.5-8.2/4.1A 1725RPM 6
Baldor GP7455 Industrial Motor 90 VDC 1/4HP
Baldor IDNM3534 Inverter Drive Motor 0.33HP 230/460V 1725RPM 60Hz 3PH
Baldor Industrial Motor 0.5 HP (Spec. No. 33-1819W184G1)
Baldor Industrial Motor 1/2 HP with Monarch M415-135A01A21C Dyna Pack
Baldor KBM3458 Industrial Motor W/HS350010C3020 Bore Ut
Baldor L3406M Industrial Motor Thermally Protected 115/208-230V 6/3.2-3A 1725RPM
Baldor M00 94441090-02 Industrial Motor 230/460V 12/6A 850RPM 3Ph 60Hz 3Hp
Baldor M3457 Industrial Motor 230/460V 1.4/.1A 3450RPM 1/3Hp 3Ph 60Hz
Baldor M3611T Industrial Motor 1725RPM3Hp
Baldor M7002A Electric Motor for Hazardous Locations 0.33 HP with 2AM03 Reducer
Baldor Motor .5/.06HP 115V 9.2/6A 1725/850RPM 1Ph 60Hz
Baldor PN FPAC141 Industrial Motor 0.5 HP
Baldor Reliance VM3542 Industrial Motor 208-230/460V 3.2-3/1.5A 1725RPM 60Hz wit
Baldor Reliance VM3710T Industrial Motor 7.5 HP
Baldor VEWDM3710T Super-E Washdown Duty Motor 7.5Hp W/Pump
Baldor VEWDM3710T Super-E Washdown Duty Motor 7.5Hp W/Pump