机器简介Means of indicators
HL-C激光切割机是一款专门为裁切行业而设计的机型,下吸风、分体式结构,主要体现速度快效果好切口不发黄的特点。机器采用X轴Y轴细分步进系统,配有三条 直线导轨, 三相步进电机,全不锈铁蜂窝底板平台,新加坡光路系统,在电路控制系统上采用DSP控制技术,高效稳定的开关电源,USB数据传输,使整机工作更稳定,速度更快,精度更高,其广泛应用在服装皮革、箱包手袋、鞋面加工、玩具开料、亚克力切割、工艺品雕刻、电子产品切割等要求较高的行业。
HL-C laser cutting machine is a dedicated to artworks and high precision products carving face design of aircraft, mainly reflected faster of the two high precision characteristics ,X-axis machines Y-axis stepper system imports three–phase stepper motor ,all stainless cellular on floor platb,Singapore optical syserm ,the circuit control system using DSP technology, a highly efficient and stable power supply switches, USB data transmission ,unit work more stable ,faster ,more precise its widely used in carving handicrafts , rubber hardcory sculpture , electronic products , sculpture,photography images carving handicrafts , rubber hardcopy sculpture, electronic products , sculpture , photography images carving, sculpture ,etc. Model for carving high precision industries