上架日期:2018-03-30 17:44:16
    • 合 TIA 项目和 PCS 7

    … 对版本为 V6.0 到 V7.1 的 PCS 7 有效

    对于编码器来说,“分辨率”除了与刻线数有关外,还会因电气信号方面的影响而改变,它是可调的,可控的,它可以随着对信号的细分而改变,细分倍数越高,分辨率越小,但是细分倍数越高,引入加大的误差就越大。而精度,更多的偏向于机械方面,一个产品生产出来后,他的精度基本已经固定(有些高精度的产品可以对信号进行补偿等来提高精度),这个数值是通过检测出来的,它与产品的做工,材料等综合性能息息相关,我们难以通过计算来得出一个具体的数值作为精度的依据,大多只能在使用的过程当中判断出精度的好坏来。 例如,对于13bit的,其码盘上的绝对位置数为:8192,则:计算出的分辨率为158角秒,也就是说,在读取数值的时候,要求数值间的跳动是158角秒,如果要读取的第一个数值是0,则第二个读取的数值要大于158,若要小于158,则我们需要选取更小的分辨率。当要读取158这个数值的时候,由于误差的存在,并不可能得到绝对的158秒,编码器所读取出来的158秒与绝对真实158秒之间的误差,就取决于精度了。所以说,精度,是在分辨率的基础上来谈的。 而并非越细分得到小的分辨率就越好,因为细分会引入误差和扩大误差,过度的细分将无法保证精度!需要多少倍的细分,能做到多少倍的细分,前提必须是在保证精度的基础上进行的,因为精度在使用前的不可见性而高倍细分是不负责任的。码盘质量越高,刻线越好,信号质量信号越好,细分后产生的误差就越小,这受到一台编码器综合性能的影响,这也就是为什么会在相同的参数下,会有不同品牌,不同价位编码器的一个原因。



    • FTP客户端:
    • 使用CPU数据的FTP服务器:
    • 使用CP文件系统的FTP服务器:

    除了最后一个模式之外的所有模式必须使用CPU中的一个指定结构的数据块。在每个文件DB的开始必须使用预定义的数据类型UDT1 “FILE_DB_HEADER”,该数据类型可以从SIMATIC_NET_CP指令库中找到。

    预定义的数据类型UDT1 “FILE_DB_HEADER”的结构
    表格 01列出了如下内容:

    • 预定义的数据类型UDT1 “FILE_DB_HEADER”的参数。
    • 如何使用这些参数。
    • 这些参数如何通过系统自动设置。
    参数 说明
    EXIST 该位指示用户数据是否包含有效值。


    • 只有当EXIST=1时,FTP指令 “FTP_RETRIEVE” 处理作业。
    • FTP指令“FTP_STORE”设置EXIST=1。
    LOCKED 该位保护数据块不被访问。


    • 只有当LOCKED=0时“FTP_STORE” 和 “FTP_RETRIEVE”才能处理作业。
    • “FTP_STORE” 和 “FTP_RETRIEVE”在操作过程中设置"FTP_STORE"LOCKED=1,在操作完成后设置LOCKED=0 。


    • 确保LOCKED=0。
    NEW 该位指示文件DB中的数据已经通过外部方式修改。


    • 只有当NEW=0时“FTP_STORE”处理作业。
    • 当作业完成时“FTP_STORE”设置NEW=1。


    WRITE_ACCESS 用于远程FTP客户端的写访问。


    • 当WRITE_ACCESS=0,远程FTP客户端无写访问权限(只有“FTP_RETRIEVE”被激活)。
    • 当WRITE_ACCESS=0,远程FTP客户端有写访问权限(“FTP_STORE“和“FTP_DELETE”被激活)。
    ACT_LENGTH 用户数据的实际长度。当EXIST=1时该值有效。


    • 当 “FTP_STORE”完成时ACT_LENGTH更新。
    • “FTP_DELETE”只设置EXIST=0。 ACT_LENGTH不会发生变化,因此当EXIST=0时该值无效。
    MAX_LENGTH 用户数据的最大长度:DB的长度减去20字节的预定义数据类型UDT1 “FILE_DB_HEADER”的长度。在组态DB时设置最大数据长度。
    FTP_REPLY_CODE 该值只在FTP客户端模式时有效。FTP服务器的 check-back信号存储在该值中;例如在“FTP_RETRIEVE” 或 “FTP_STORE”的情况下。 
    DATE_TIME 最后一次对文件进行修改的日期和时间。仅当EXIST=1时该值有效。


    • 当 "FTP_STORE" 完成时DATE_TIME更新。
    • “FTP_DELETE”只设置EXIST=0。DATE_TIME不会发生变化,因此当EXIST=0时该值无效。




     201311月西门子推出了基于S7-400PN-H冗余系统CPU集成PROFINET接口的Modbus/TCP冗余通信软件包“Modbus/TCP PN CPU Redundant V1



    1 Modbus TCP通讯概述
    1.2 Modbus TCP数据帧
    1.3 Modbus TCP使用的通讯资源端口号
    1.4 Modbus TCP使用的功能代码
    1.5 Modbus TCP通讯应用举例
    2  SIMATIC S7-400H冗余系统 Modbus/TCP通讯概述
    2.1 S7-400 PN-H冗余系统CPU集成PN口 Modbus/TCP通讯机理概述
    2.2  软件包“Modbus/TCP PN CPU Redundant V1.0”使用说明
    2.2.1  软件包“Modbus/TCP PN CPU Redundant V1.0”软硬件需求
    2.2.2  软件包“Modbus/TCP PN CPU Redundant V1.0”软硬件需求
    3  配置S7-400 PN-H冗余系统通过CPU集成PN口作为Server进行Modbus TCP通讯
    3.2 S7-400 PN-H冗余系统及Modscan32软件组态
    3.3 通讯测试
    4  配置S7-400 PN-H冗余系统通过CPU集成PN口作为Client进行Modbus TCP通讯
    4.2 S7-400 PN-H冗余系统及Modbus slave软件组态
    4.3 通讯测试
    5软件包“Modbus/TCP PN CPU Redundant V1.0”授权
    5.2 通过拨打西门子授权服务中心申请注册码REG_KEY
    5.3 通过网站申请注册码REG_KEY
    5.4 使用注册码REG_KEY




     S7-400 PN-H冗余系统集成PN口使用ModbusTCP PN RED软


    该条目描述如何从 SIMATIC S7 建立 MODBUS/TCP 连接以及从哪儿获取更多信息。

    STEP 7 (TIA Portal)
    可以通过 CPU 集成的 PROFINET 以太网接口建立 SIMATIC S7 300/400 与第三方设备之间的 Modbus TCP 连接。


    产品 通讯方式 连接 支持功能码 订货号
    Modbus/TCP PN CPU 集成有 PROFINET 接口的 CPU CPU 集成 PROFINET 接口与第三方设备 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15 和 16 6AV6676-6MB20-3AX0
    Modbus/TCP CP CP 343-1 和
    CP 443-1
    S7 控制器通过扩展 CP 343-1 或 CP 443-1与第三方设备 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15 和 16 2XV9450-1MB00

    表 1

    SIMATIC Modbus/TCP PN CPU 包含在 STEP 7 V13 Update 3 (TIA Portal) 及以上版本中。MODBUSPN 指令可在下面路径 "Instructions > Communication > Other" 中找到。

    SIMATIC Modbus/TCP CP 内容包含在 STEP 7 (TIA Portal) V14 及以上版本中。MODBUSPN 指令可在下面路径 "Instructions > Communication > Communications Processor >MODBUS TCP" 中找到。

    每个使用这些指令的 CPU 需要付费购买授权,订购授权请联系当地的西门子销售商,供货形式包含带有授权码的软件注册表格和安装 CD,CD 中内容需要仅在 STEP 7 V5.x 中安装,不需要在 TIA Portal 中安装。Captain Chen Piao while talking to Jenkins, while his penetrating eyes in search of a river. Chen Piao was 16 years old from the river to the wind in the wind, in the more developed early, strong, brave and decisive character. Small fire wheel down the river, Chen float side boat side, and came to the cab Jenkins chat. They looked at the river, sometimes a few finless porpoise playing in the water, not well-known white birds around the small fire wheel upside down, the distant waves shining bright light shining in the sun, the two sides of Castle Peak and small fire round to go, this is really like a dream, everything is so natural, so harmony. Jenkins enjoyed the beautiful natural scenery, mesmerizing: "ah, this place is beautiful." Chen Piao reminded him: "you are not to experience the evil beach to stimulate feelings of it, we have to walk a few minutes later!" "Then I can't miss the golden opportunity or go to the deck to enjoy this wonderful experience."!" Said Jenkins, walking from the cab to the deck of the small fire wheel, and looking ahead. Pibozhanlang small fire wheel rapidly toward the beach for evil, Captain Chen Piao two big eyes staring at a bayonet bayonet practice of warriors, fast to the devil beach, he put the bow in front of the big black lagoon, fast marching. Standing on the deck of the Jenkins suddenly found the little steamer to the field away, he was scared, shouted: "my God, are you crazy? We're going to hit the reef......" Chen drift unmoved, a small fire wheel is still rapid towards the field for the small fire wheel to hit a big moment field, desperate Jenkins decided to throw the helve after the hatchet, he took a deep breath, suddenly from the wheel of fire on the deck of the jump to the big black lagoon, at the last moment, a small fire wheel bow swing smoothly passed large black lagoon. Originally, Chen Piaogang only b is intentional, which he had sailed a beach evil trick, every evil Big Black Lagoon Beach, he always dare to ship in front of a large open field in the field, from the big stone two feet away left the bow, the ship with the waves rushed to the big black on the reef and back to the boat, so that the ship hit a reef will not only through the place near the great black lagoon. Chen drift and use this b too large field hundreds of times, no one missed. Chen Piao looked at Jenkins on the rocks and was stunned: "Jenkins!"......" In the field of Jenkins also desperaby shouted: "Mr. Chen, please help me......" The small fire wheeled relentlessly down the stream, where no ship was coming. For five days, passing ships will see a blond blue eyed foreigner standing in the field on the waving to them for help, but no one can save him. Five days later, Jenkins, standing on the rocks, was gone. Because of the death agreement, Chen Piao finally failed to get into court. The rain in the morning, Chen Piao in a grave soil put offerings, murmured: "brother, brother Jenkins died, give you revenge!" Originally, Jenkins is nominally a life-saving doctor, is actually a guy with a commit all sorts, diplomatic immunity, not only the bully, also open to Chongqing to sell opium. Some treat patients in his hospital, he secretly took western medicine to give them doping opium drugs, cure disease, but also addicted, then go, had to go to Jenkins there to buy expensive opium, lots of shining white silver flowed into Jenkins's pocket. Caughtsmokeaddiction people. Is very poor, often broken up, but because Jenkins is a foreigner, and with local authorities, local officials will wink. Chen Piao's brother once injured by accident, came to Jenkins's hospital treatment, but also infected with drug addiction, and eventually sold out all the property for the drug, resulting in his wife ran away from home, took away only two years old son. Chen Piao's younger brother so downhearted, Dutch act to death, such as Chen Piao Jenkins and the younger brother was destroyed in a few families. Since then, Chen Piao hated Jenkins this scourge of our fellow citizens who face the beast, vowed to let him die without the burial ground. Chen heard Jenkins drift love adventure, and dare to cross the beach looking for evil people, he deliberaby in the air freezing cold, Jenkins went to the hospital, and finally makes Jenkins on the hook, in addition to harm people.Cherry wake up, found himself lying in the hospital infusion, one side of the boyfriend beam tone, and got up and said to go out to buy her food. Cherry just remembered that she was in a traffic accident on the way. Looking at the back of her boyfriend, she was very happy, and slept in the daze. When the cherry woke up again, but not her boyfriend saw her rival, but she had the good sisters Su Qin, she could not help but embarrassed: had to take beam Zhi, myself but so many scheming! At this point, Su Qin handed a new twist, gloating: "cherry, the car accident, you are proud of the legs, I'm afraid it will leave sequelae.". We have many years of friendship, so we bought a pair of crutches for you......" The cherry had changed her face, and felt the lower limbs. She looked to the door and hoped her boyfriend would come back soon. Su Qin sneer at: "you don't see, Liang Zhi in order to take care of you, make oneself too tired, faint in the road, and now in another hospital lie down?". I'm going to take care of him." Finishing cold out of the ward. Cherry quickly borrow the nurse's cell phone, call Liang Zhi number, the other party has been shut down. Cherry is very worried about Liang Zhihe Su Qin zhongxiujiuhao, vowed to retake Leung chi. She actively cooperated with the treatment, and after a few months, she was able to walk normally. On the day of discharge, cherry came to Sue's dormitory with a pair of crutches. "Thank you for your crutches," said sarcastically. "I'm sorry I didn't use it."." Seeing cherry's legs intact, Sue smiled and took out his cell phone. Cherry see beam sent to Su Qin SMS, just understand everything. Originally, the beam Zhi decides that the cherry can become a cripple, after she wakes up, abandoned her, and turn to pursue Su qin. Su Jean received beam confession message, scolded him for a while, but selfish Liang Zhi or leave the cherry. Su Qin worry cherry cannot stand double attack, intentionally sent crutches, and lied to take care of beam annals, to stimulate the cherry fight, let her live well. Cherry tears, hugged Su Qin: many years ago, they had the good sisters agreed to squeeze in a bed, if two people have a helpless, another is the other side of the crutch. Su Qin, the "rival in love", honored his promise in a special way......The old knife is not a knife, but early old yamen for a line of business, after all, is holding a broken knife head. The old knife who are usually very idle, the prisoner was busy execution in autumn days, the usual salaries are high, can cut the head of both business and bad luck, a blood stained light, so few people willing to do this line. The old town old knife, Lee three is one of the best known, he is not only a knife, and a knife. Lee three parents died early, and his wife and children, and only Brother Lee Sishui. That year, Li Sishui was accused of murder was sentenced to life, cut lijue, yamen another old knife just leave this job, behoove to send to Lee three. At that time, the old city was a sensation, and people wanted to see that Li Shan, who had cut his head and eyes all day, could kill his own brother. On the day of the execution b, huge crowds of people. In the three minute, for the gun rang, I saw Lee three shoulder guillotine knife, embrace old jars, with vigorous strides to the guillotine. He approached Li Sishui, slapping the jars, poured two bowls of wine, holding a bowl to his brother: "four water, you have made the law, Providence will not forgive. Today, you drink a bowl of wine from my brother. I'll take you on the road." Li Sishui finished the wine in tears and choked and said, "brother, wait a minute and give your brother a good time."." Cut open!" The execution officer gave the order, Li Sanshan and kill another bowl of wine, while guillotine knife, with a shout, blood splatter, Lee Sishui beheaded. Onlookers crowd first, and then burst into a burst of applause. Li Sanshan, however, was as heavy as water, without a drop of tear, and turned and strode away. Since then, people have secretly said that the Li three knife ruthless, more ruthless people. Li three exercises a guillotine knife, beheaded countless, old alone, lives alone in a lonely house. A year after the autumn evening, Li Sanshan is home to drink, heard someone knock gently. Open a look, outside the door stood a more than 40 year old woman, still carrying two boxes in hand. The woman opened the door to see the road: "my name is Yun Niang, but you yamen Li Lao Dao?"Li San asked suspiciously, "I'm Li Sanshan. What have you got?"" Yun Niang don't talk, just smile, open the door on the left side of the box, which is "Shuang Zhai building" several exquisite dishes, a pot of good fen; open on the right side of the box, there is a box full of horseshoe silver. Yun Niang wine dishes, and put the money to Lee then next to the front three, Lee three sit face blush. Lee Hill sat, face falling away from him "mother:" you have what I said, "if equivocate please leave my tricks." "Mother stay, then gave a smile:" said Lee knife cold cold heart, beheading does not bb, even kill brother don't shed a tear, did not think so." See Li three face color, Yun Niang sighed suddenly thump to his knees, "please be old." "The mother said, her husband died early, leaving only a posthumous child named tianbao. Half a year ago, Tianbao and several local ruffians fight, accidentally killed a, was sentenced to the guillotine. "In order to keep the mother son life, build on, bought the execution of up and down, now Li Sanshan, as long as the execution on the same day, Lee three mercy beheaded when pretending to be missed, cut the rope tied to Tianbao, Tianbao will took the opportunity to escape death. Lee three bate, a sneer at: "you take me as what Li Sanshan? If I am greedy shameless, take this to the court with a guillotine knife for me?" He picked up the gleaming guillotine knife, coldly looking at Yun niang. "Mother looked at the knife, suddenly asked:" do you not in this life to do anything creepy? The confiscation of a paper money bribe?" Who but Li Sanshan laughed a shot back: "you're right, I do a lifetime of Li three old knife, cut not corrupt officials, is the bully. Others have bought me, but I swear to the blue sky, I confiscated a penny, yes, killed a person." Look at Lee "Sanshan generously appearance, Yun Niang do not know this thing. Suddenly, she curiously asked: "are you that you never mercy?" "Sure."!" Li Sanshan says. "The mother asked again:" if you want to kill people is your nephew?" Li Shan frightened: "what did you say?"" Yun Niang took a yellowed letter from the bosom, threw him: "when you can kill your brother, I'd like to know now, you can kill your nephew?" Finish off. Li Sanshan read the letter, pale, and suddenly squatted on the ground. The letter he knew was written by his brother Li Sishui. Originally, when Lee Sishui was secretly in love with Yun Niang, the Niang "is a widow, he didn't dare to bl my brother that Li Sishui later field was killed, soon," mother gave birth to a posthumous child, is to be beheaded Tianbao Lee three. The letter said, for Li in Sanshan brothers, after his death, must take good care of mother and child ". Li Shan hands shake, the letter fell to the ground.On the day of the execution, Lee three heavy heart came to the place of execution, Tianbao were brought up, Lee three looking more and more like brother feel Tianbao four water. A little time in the past, looked at the deception gun will ring, pulling the painful heart Li mountain top, he had killed his brother, suffering a life, is now going to kill nephew? He was sweating profusely, and never shook hands with his powerful hands. Are hesitant, deception gun rang, he suddenly looked up, suddenly saw the broken sword in his hand. This knife is when his master sun came to his old knife, sun dry old knife fifty old knife, Li Sanshan remember, Lin master knife to him, said: "the world has a knife, long and short, fast blunt, there are evil, only the guillotine knife, endowed with righteousness, it is illegal to kill people, is the world of public support to. Law enforcement people do not have the heart, or the guillotine knife, broken but not cut off the head, or the world fair!" Li three mountains think of master's words, suddenly a sudden drink, lift the guillotine knife, go to the sky treasure to swing. In a moment he had thought, such as kill Tianbao, he commits suicide, the dead brother to sin. The sky was streaming with blood! Li Mongolia saw Tianbao Sanshan has been beheaded, but again Rouyan, but found Tianbao head intact, the body of the rope is opened. I saw him Tianbao smiled and jumped to death, swiftly ran. Li three mountain urgent, he shouted, carrying a broken knife on the chase to tianbao. Tianbao young quick legs, Li three hills after a long time, only to see the back of tianbao. He could not help shouting: "give me stop!"!" Tianbao turns back, Hei hei laughed and said: "I am not a fool, I stop, not waiting for you to cut it?"" Li Sanshan red eyes say: "Sharenchangming Qianzhaihuanqian! If you break the laws of the land, I can't help killing you." Tianbao eyes strange, running side said: "my father is your younger brother, I am your nephew!"." Li Shan gasped, still walking: "when I cut you, I'll commit suicide."." Tianbao: "to cut me, you have to chase."." Then, to speed up the pace. So, two people race each other, from the dark to dawn, tramp over mountains and through ravines, from dawn to dusk. Don't know how long before seeing a touch the sky in front of the city, the city gate stands a woman, a woman ran around in Tianbao, panting behind her, said: "mother, save me!"

    SIMATIC Modbus/TCP PN CPU (STEP 7 (TIA Portal)) 手册

    STEP 7 V5.x

    SIMATIC S7 采用 MODBUS/TCP 与第三方设备通信有二种方法: 

    • 使用扩展的 CP343-1 或 CP443-1
    • 使用 CPU 集成的 PN 口或 H-CPU

    两种选项非冗余和冗余 Modbus/TCP 通信中均可以使用。


    产品 通信方式 连接 支持功能码 订货号Article number
    Modbus/TCP CP CP343-1 和 CP443-1 S7 控制器通过外部 CP343-1或CP443-1 连接第三方设备 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15 和16 2XV9450-1MB00
    Modbus/TCP CP Redundant CP343-1 和 CP443-1 S7-400 H 或S7-300/400 通过2块CP卡连接第三方设备 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15 和16


    Modbus/TCP PN CPU CPU 和 H-CPU集成 PROFINET接口 CPU / H-CPU 通过集成PROFINET接口连接第三方设备 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15 和 16 6AV6676-6MB20-3AX0
    Modbus/TCP PN CPU Redundant 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15和 16 6AV6676-6MB10-0AX0
    Modbus/TCP 20 SENTRON PACs CPU 集成PROFINET 接口 CPU 通过集成PROFINET接口连接不超过20个 SENTRON PACs 4 (读取类型 3 和电能表)

    6 (重置电能表)

    Modbus/TCP 100 SENTRON PACs CPU 通过集成PROFINET接口连接不超过100个 SENTRON PACs 6AV6676-6MA30-1AX0
    Modbus/TCP 512 SENTRON PACs CPU 通过集成PROFINET接口连接不超过512个SENTRON PACs 6AV6676-6MA30-2AX0

     表 2


    SIMATIC Modbus/TCP 20/100/512 SENTRON PAC 这三款产品可以通过简单参数配置实现 CPU 集成 PROFINET 接口与 SENTRON PAC 的通讯 (PAC4200 V1.5.1 以上 和 PAC3200 V2.2.1 以上),单个 CPU 最多可以连接 512 个SENTRON PAC 设备。在这种情况,可周期性读取基本数据类型 3 和电能表数据,另外,可以重置电能表。

    填写 SOFTWARE REGISTRATION 表格中的 "IDENT_CODE" 和 "License No."。

    提出服务升级并发送该表格至客户支持,勾选 "Problem with SIMATIC authorization/license"。

    最终填写 CPUREG_KEY 激活码。


    • Modbus/TCP PN CPU
      (订货号: 6AV6676-6MB20-3AX0)
      下载: 109745187
    • Modbus/TCP PN CPU Redundant
      (订货号: 6AV6676-6MB10-0AX0)
      下载: 103475102
    • Modbus/TCP CP Redundant
      (订货号: 6AV6676-6MB30-3AX0)
      下载: 109739221
    • Modbus/TCP CP
      (订货号: 2XV9450-1MB00)
      下载: 103474603
    • Modbus/TCP SENTRON PAC
      (订货号: 6AV6676-6MA30-0AX0, 6AV6676-6MA30-1AX0, 6AV6676-6MA30-2AX0)
      下载: 103474714


    • 条目60735352包含用于创建 Modbus/TCP 通讯参数的 Modbus TCP Wizard 。
    • 条目9973600包含用于集成 PN 口 CPU 创建 Modbus/TCP 通讯参数的 Modbus/TCP PAC Wizard 。
    • 条目8586568 包含 CP 卡或集成 PN 口和 Modicon M340 之间走 Modbus/TCP 通讯时组态通讯连接的应用例程。
  • 免责声明:以上所展示的信息由企业自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布企业负责,本网对此不承担任何保证责任。我们原则 上建议您选择本网高级会员或VIP会员。