定货号西门子414-5H 系统套件 同步模块
定货号西门子414-5H 系统套件 同步模块
上架日期:2018-06-04 13:39:06

    定货号西门子414-5H 系统套件 同步模块

    希殿电气技术(上海)有限公司销售西门子千万余产品 尽新老顾客您来询价订货采购,欢迎您来,谢谢您的光临!您的合作




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    ·         RUN:正常运行状态
    ·         STOP:停止状态
    ·         STARTUP:CPU起动的过程
    ·         HOLD:测试模式
    ·         LINK-UP与UPDATE:组态为冗余系统的同步过程
    ·         ERROR-SEARCH:故障自查状态
    ·         DEFECTIVE:故障状态
    Debion: Debion: Debion: C:\Users\PCS7\Desktop\PCS7_TOP1216\H_CPU\S7_400H_General_Info\S7_400H_Mode\image\image001.png
    首次接通 S7-400H 的电源时,首先启动的 CPU 将作为主站 CPU,而另一个 CPU 则作
    为备用站 CPU。当两个 CPU 同时上电时,将会保留预设的主站-备用站分配。
    Debion: Debion: Debion: C:\Users\PCS7\Desktop\PCS7_TOP1216\H_CPU\S7_400H_General_Info\S7_400H_Mode\image\image002.png
    S7-400冗余控制器 的 “REDF”指示灯用于指示冗余系统的同步状态,当它闪烁时表示两个控制器正在链接或同步。当它常亮时表示冗错系统同步丢失,包括CPU之间的同步故障和IO冗余,此时若控制器发生切换,可能会对生产带来不利的影响,提醒维护人员及时排除故障。下面为 H-CPU 的REDF 发光二极管点亮时指示的错误:
    过   程
    · 同步模块 1 有问题
    · 到同步模块 1 的光缆有问题
    · 同步模块 2 有问题
    · 到同步模块 2 的光缆有问题
    B 0.5 HZ
    B 2HZ
    ·  一个DP主站失效,或一个DP主系统部分或全部失效
    ·  DP从站丢失冗余性
    · 一个CPU 在STOP状态,或两个CPU均处于STOP 状态  (相应的 STOP发光二极管点亮)
    查找故障模式(保留CPU的STOP和RUN发光二极管以0.5 Hz的频率闪动)
    H: 发光二极管点亮
    B: 发光二极管以一定频率闪动
    D: 发光二极管不亮 直线位移传感器的工作原理是跟滑动变阻器一样的,它作为分压器使用的,它是以相对的输出电压来呈现出所测量位置的实际上的位置。对这个装置的工作有下面几点要求:   一、如果电子尺已经使用很长时间了,而且密封已经老化,同时夹杂着很多杂质,而且水混合物和油会严重影响电刷的接触电阻的,这样会使显示的数字不停地跳动。这个时候可以说直线位移传感器的电子尺已经损坏了,需要更换。   二、若电源的容量很小,就会出现很多情况的,所以,供电电源需要有充分的容量。那么,容量不足,就会造成如下的情况:熔胶的运动会使合模电子尺的显示变换,有波动,或者合模的运动会使射胶电子尺的显示波动,造成测量结果误差很大。如果电磁阀的驱动电源于电子尺供电电源同时在一起的时候,更容易出现以上的情况,情况严重时用万用表的电压档甚至可以测量到电压的有关波动。如果情况不是因为高频干扰、静电干扰或者是中性不够好的造成的,那么就有可能是电源的功率太小造成的。   三、调频干扰和静电干扰都有可能让直线位移传感器的电子尺的显示数字跳动的。电子尺的信号线与设备的强电线路要分开线槽。电子尺必须要强制性地使用接地支架,而且同时让电子尺的外壳跟地面良好地接触。信号线需要使用屏蔽线,而且电箱的一段应该跟屏蔽线接地的。如果有高频干扰的时候,通常使用万用表的电压测量就会显示正常,但是显示数字就是会跳动不停的;而出现静电干扰时,出现的情况也是跟高频干扰一样的。要证明看是否是静电干扰时,可以先使用一段电源线把电子尺的封盖螺丝跟机器上的某一些的金属短接起来就可以了,只要一短接起来,静电干扰就会马上消除掉的。但是如果要消除掉高频干扰就很难用上面的方法了,变频节电器和机器手都经常出现高频干扰的,所以可以试一下用停止高频节电器或者机械手的方法来验证是不是高频干扰的。   四、如果直线位移传感器的电子尺在工作的过程当中,在某一点的显示数据有规律地跳动,或者是没有显示数据的时候,出现这种情况就需要检查连接线绝缘是不是出现破损的现象,并且跟机器的外壳很有规律地接触而导致的对地短路。   五、供电的电压一定要稳定,工业的电压需要符合±0.1[%]的稳定性,例如,基准电压是10V的话,就可以允许有±0.01V的波动变化,如果不是的话,就会引起显示的圈套波动这样的情况。但是如果这个时候的显示波动的幅度没有超过波动电压的波动的幅度的话,那么电子尺就是正常的了。   六、安装直线位移传感器的对中性需要很好,但是平行度可以允许有±0.5mm的误差,角度可以允许有±12°的误差。但是如果平行度误差和角度误差都是偏大的话,这样会出现显示数字跳动的情况。那么出现这样的情况的时候,必须要对平行度和角度进行调整了。   七、在连接的过程当中,一定要多加注意,电子尺的三条线是不可以接错的,电源线和输出线是不可以调换的。如果上面的线接错的话,就会出现线性误差很大的情况,要控制的话是很难的,控制的精度也会变得很差,而显示很容易出现跳动的现象等等。
    S7-400H CPU的同步
    S7-400H CPU通过一对同步光缆进行主备CPU间的自动同步。
    冗余CPU 在进入冗余模式运行之前,Master CPU先运行起来,然后Standby CPU要和Master CPU进行同步。
    Debion: Debion: C:\Users\PCS7\Desktop\PCS7_TOP1216\H_CPU\S7_400H_General_Info\S7_400H_Synchronize\S7_400H_Synchronze\image\image001.png
    在调试时,会遇到Master CPU 处于运行状态,但Standby CPU无法从Stop 变为Run状态的情况,这是因为同步过程的Link-UP 或UPDATE无法进行。此时,请查看以下情况:
    q  正在删除、装载、生成或者压缩块;
    q  CPU 中调试(Test and commissioning)的功能在激活状态。例如,变量表中正在监控某些变量;正在监控硬件组态或者程序;
    q  两个CPU 上内存卡不相同;
    q  两个CPU 上的Firmware 版本不一致;
    q  CPU 上装的是 Flash 卡,但 Flash 卡上保存的内容不一致;
    q  同步模块是否正常,同步光纤是否正确连接。
    q  CPU 的机架号是否正确设置,一个为rack 0,另一个为rack1
    q  检查CPU 是否有强制变量,如果有请取消。
    q  冗余CPU中H beters设置是否合适
    q  冗余CPU中用于保证OB运行的LOCAL DATA缓存区设置过小。典型情况是配置了冗余IO的S7-412H的CPU,如果不修改LOCAL DATA的默认值,会出现明明已经装载了所有OB块,CPU故障诊断信息中依然提示该OB未装载或未运行。
    S7-400H 固件下载与升级方法
    CPU 固件升级步骤:
    a) 更新操作系统的基本步骤
    1.    在 HW Config 中打开含有要进行更新的 CPU 的自动化系统
    2.    选中该 CPU
    3.    选择菜单命令“PLC > Update Firmware”(PLC > 更新固件)
    4.    在“Update Firmware”(更新固件) 对话框中,使用“Browse”(浏览) 按钮选择指向固件更新文件 (*.UPD) 的路径
    5.    选择固件更新文件,“Update Firmware”(更新固件) 对话框随后将在下面部分中指示此文件所适合的模块和最低固件版本
    6.    单击“Execute”(执行) 按钮。
     最初,CPU 的所有 LED 指示灯 (INTF、EXTF、FRCE、CRST、RUN、STOP) 都亮起。大约两分钟后,操作系统更新完成,并通过慢速闪烁的 STOP LED 灯加以指示 (提示由系统执行全面复位)。更新之后将开始自检;根据存储器容量大小,此过程要用数分钟时间。
    b) 使用冗余自动化系统时的特殊情况
    使用冗余自动化系统时,也可在运行模式下对 CPU 的操作系统进行更新。在运行中,只能将固件更新到固件的下一个较高版本。在运行模式下,无法降级到较低的固件版本。
    在运行中更新操作系统 (另请阅读提供的任何附加版本信息)
    1.    在 HW-Config 中选择此 CPU
    2.    执行菜单命令“PLC > Update Firmware”(PLC -> 更新固件) -> 安装向导随即启动,如果需要,它会自动在两个 CPU 上安装固件更新包
    冗余自动化系统的两个 CPU 必须采用相同固件版本。 如果其中一个 CPU 出现故障,只需订购一个具有相同订货号的新 CPU。 新 CPU 将会提供最新固件版本,此版本可能会高于故障 CPU 的固件版本。现在有两种选择:
    选择 1:将仍在运行的 CPU 升级至新 CPU 的最新固件版本:
    1.    在 HW-Config 中选择此 CPU
    2.    执行菜单命令“PLC > Operating state > Switch to”(PLC -> 运行状态 -> 切换到),然后选中选项框“with changed operating system”(使用更改后的操作系统)
    3.    针对第二个 CPU,执行菜单命令“PLC > Update Firmware”(PLC -> 更新固件)
    4.    将 CPU 冷启动 -> 自动化系统此时会转到冗余运行模式
    选择 2:将新 CPU 降级至仍在运行的 CPU 的较低固件版本 (无法在运行模式下降级;步骤与上面的“a)”相同,但不插入 FOC 同步电缆)
    CPU在出厂之前均有一定的固件版本,随着产品的深入使用,模块可能会出现一些Bug,或者新增添了一些新功能,这些均得通过升级模块的Firmware来完成,建议用户将所有的设备实时更新到最新的固件版本,具体方法参见如下连接:The story of phenomena in the world, ancient and modern society, a snare, the streets of interesting anecdotes, Tang chief is a classic phenomena in the world story, I hope you can find joy in the attitudes of the world in the story In the factory, a minister of armed forces heard that he was a retired soldier, surnamed tang. I haven't seen the real face of Mount Lu yet, and I've heard that it's super, super bad, and that the more than 40 year old is still single. Because I could not help but have nothing in the 38 character Cory defend it several times. Did not see the cold God but also some regret. On the day I took the bus to work, a big man stood next to me. At first I didn't pay attention to him, but a woman standing by him suddenly gave a loud cry and shouted, "rogue!"." Then I looked back at the big man around me, so his eyes extended to the big man with the lady's eyes. The big man was a cold face, not panic at all. The driver stopped and asked, "what's the matter?"" The lady saw someone to help her out of tears "he cried...... He...... Touch me." The car suddenly a storm of anger many people loudly scold big man tall man beside me still calmly said dismissively "master to the police station" The driver also has this idea, one foot on the accelerator, who knows the woman suddenly is a cry again, "do not go."......" The crowd looked back at her face, and she said awkwardly, "well, I've got something t o do."......" Many people on the car also echoed, said, "yes, yes, we are also in a hurry."." The driver looked at the big man. The big man was not very loud, but said in great force, "master, go to the police station."." The driver is hesitant to see the lady was anxious to have pushed all the people to open the door when she was even more puzzled why only this big man stepped forward grabbed her wrist and said "master to the police. This woman is a thief." When the lady heard this, she knelt down in front of the big man and said, "big brother, you've been around me. I haven't paid your wallet. I have a baby."...... I dare not next time......" "Master, go to the police station." The big man continued coldly. "I thought to myself how little compassion the man had. The woman looked miserable and released her.". Many people in the car felt the same way as I did, but the big man insisted on sending the woman to the police station. I was late for work, and I hated the big man. He gave me the bonus for the whole year. People don't say who I am in psychological caring heart at the man he had appeared in front of me that he and I are a unit he is the new chief of the defence I doubt a reality he is really what I want to see the cold god. Because colleagues, occasionally nod on the bus, rarely speak. This morning I just after he nodded greeted my eyes closed around feeling a man sat down and I didn't know this person who pushed me I looked up, saw the Tang Long sit beside me holding my wallet I am one Leng unknown so he said "you the man don't let people steal the wallet alert all don't know." And he put the wallet to me his hand holding a woman I take a closer look at this is that the woman she swear in the thief but now she is low head face frustration. This time I was late again, blaming the serious section chief and the unfortunate thief. Don and I, together with my long Kandi Liao said "to transport company you a good citizen award back from the police station." He said coldly, "I don't need any good citizen prizes. I just wish the world had no thieves."." It was so righteous Ling but I did not move until I heard a long time ago, there is hearsay Tang wife wife is a virtuous woman when his mother was sick of her wife took money to go to the hospital on the road became a trance was stolen across accidentally by a car to win life. Now he's leaving the army, and now I know why he has no sympathy for the thief. A mother who gave birth to four sons and three daughters sons and daughters all married mother of two children behind the old feel a bowl of water to end injustice will bring their hearts to whisper so never help which child care for children. Now some are grandfather, some become grandmother, they have their own new house and their happy family. Fang and his wife lived in the old house and lived on each other, but the husband walked in front of her, nearly eighty years old. She was old and sickly and was unable to take care of herself. Need the children's care. But the kids like to play football like families who are unwilling to accept the mother village cadres to help her to solve each child to mother-in-law had endless endless resentment is not always so much less willing to accept the reason. In the end, he said, "brothers and sisters are in conflict, and they feel that their parents are eccentric."....... Cadres can only say, "Pro official difficult to break the housework", but only advised the mother to court to solve. Fang sighed, but was reluctant to take the road." The lees not far from the present two just gave birth to a son for the poor at home also did not give his son read the book son working outside then the parents will son in the village asked marriage married after a grandson, son and daughter will stay at home in the village of son daughter-in-law in the parents take care of grandchildren some temporary workers although farming life is not so rich but one family is very happy deeply attached to each other and mother was very envious of the old lee. One day he suddenly came to the monk seven children home parent were seen Fang seven siblings. Fang siblings have recognized this is the profound monkjigong do not know where the monks will provoke boundless supernatural power that he came to visit. He said: "he said to the immortal monk here is the beautiful rural construction of new civilization, there are the fairy dream of farmhouse so here but I did not expect just here to watch you see a house with a maid do not want to live as if only you can save this man." Let them hear Fang seven siblings to save people even dare to say. Thus, any living Buddha suspected suspicious seven brother and sister to a place, it was the mother's old house, they can not remember how long has not been here. Before the door monkjigong asked everyone to wait outside. The square mother is at the moment facing the Guanyin Buddha statue to weep silently, the mouth keeps reading the jing. This is a dress worn hair fluffy slippers hand broken fan bleary eyed monk came in to ask why sad old milk Lee mother gave the monk and his students seated seven children are now eighty years of age children while living are not bad but nobody took her in an old man afraid of what it will be died in bed no awareness. Look at the Li family, they only have a son, and the condition is not good, but they still live so interesting, I do not know what the truth is, and so on, say to the monk. Dow monk laughed. "The old mother is asking the right person I was a monk monk monk's own way oh one boy is a boy of two boys drink Everybody's business is nobody's business." "You're a monk. Do you mean I shouldn't have had so much?" the old mother was angry. "The children don't think about when you will be more sad and don't you regret it has asked eye microphone. "No, I was very sad, but I didn't regret seeing them. Every family was happy. They were what I used to have when I was little."." I am a monk a b of your seven children for you this is my unfilial to help you punish them will take six of their seven siblings left a child and then leave the everything you will have happiness or worry about yourself until you consider sending pension what about leaving one " At this time, the door of the seven children have long been ashamed from listening to shock into, they know that any one is capable of this. They are all very afraid they know their sorry mother will not leave their own scared at a loss about what to do. It will stay away from their loved ones they who do not want the mother to monkjigong reported on their names they did not regret his mother of filial piety is everyone at a loss just listen to begging mother hoarse sound. "Please, the monk, since you have this ability, you must have been sent by the master of Guanyin.". You can't take them. None of them can take them. They're all my meat. Please look at her face must bless my seven children to the old time don't like me so lonely and helpless. If you really want to help me, please take me away." Finish saying, want to kneel to the monk unexpectedly. "In that case, you don't want them to be taken away by me. You have no one to live. It's really hard. I'll take you there."." The children outside rushed in and knelt down with their mother. "Mother, we all want you," everyone said. "First go to my house, you have grandson, actually want to be too grandma.""....... The mother was going to hold you when you think of old time to what Buddha monkjigong had somehow bese disappeared. I saw a yellow shadow on the wall. The words "filial piety", "sit in your mind", "no trouble, no anger, no sorrow". Abandon the old behavior, the day sad, where uneven, there is me. Namo Amitabha is hengpi. For a while the words went nowhere. Since then, both brothers and sisters live in harmony, and the mother has lived a happy old age. I only feel muddle along without any aim mind a blank face, the body a sharp pain in my eyes is very heavy also how open ear is covered with a layer of gauze like heard the noisy sound of bl crash. The weather was fine, but it was a disaster for me. My job was to stand in the hot sun. I was not a soldier, but a unibed guard. I'm behind the building very grand bright beautiful light reflected my back toward the open mouth from time to time I entered the vehicle salute sometimes I can even hear the reports from the half open b a provocative words with an embarrassed but also I can only pretend to turn a deaf ear to. The breeze was cool, but today it was blowing with hot air. The distant speakers and wind echoed my dusty air, choking my eyes open, and the eyelids kept jumping as if indicating what was going to happen. Sure enough, a dark red car was making a loud noise with a loud speaker. As I thought, I was flying at the last moment of my memory. I was holding the canopy of the platb umbrella. How misty and true all this seemed. Silence and no pain, I felt nothing but the emptiness, as if the brain had stopped thinking, as if the world had stopped working. I can't do anything but leave. I do not know how long the time when I open my eyes I just found my neck is fixed eyes lying down at how hard can only see me hanging plaster wrapped in white gauze feet is strange I seem to have no consciousness. Can you move to the side of my eyes looked around my bed stood a few of my colleagues and I made them holding yellow flower head. I subconsciously want to sit but the body but intense pain up is a pain but do not feel any other feeling of the magical feeling. I can lie on the sudden changes I watched my colleagues at a loss they seemed not to notice I wake up I think they can bl mouth lips were sealed to not open the mouth even "uh oh" have not come. Looked at them, head down, silent, I can not speak, the heart has been thrown into despair. I bbed, but turned my gaze to the other side. I could not help feeling surprised. I was standing on the other side of the hospital bed, a man, dressed up very weird and someone I didn't know. The shadow of his black hooded hat covered most of his face, and I could barely see his chin. He seemed to see me awake, and there was some hope in my mind. I looked at him, feeling strange, with his bright eyes in the shadow of his hat. I tried to open my mouth again or make a noise. He noticed that I was very happy, but he didn't want to hold me up or what helped me. It was just a light opening. His voice was deep and hoarse. "Don't move. You can hurt."." The frequency and tone of his voice made me feel deeply weird. I was a little scared, only a heavy look at him, I know what he will say. Sure enough, he opened his mouth with a little joking, "and a sad life."." I listened, the atmosphere was extremely, but I could not open my mouth. I could only think in my heart, "is it too sad to be ordinary?" if I could talk, I would scold him. He loo ked out and I felt I thought he would argue he did not have a faint that the attitude is more like a trailer or that notice "look back in your life and let you know that I still feel pity." And he waved his hand whether or how to start wearing gloves, deep color and this is the last picture I see. When I woke up again, I stood in a very empty room. The room was so white that I could hardly concentrate. I had no time to doubt my ear, and it was the one who heard it. "Before you die compleby, you have a chance to look back on one moment of your experience."." "Am I dying?" I smiled bitterly. "I'm still so young.". I look ashen bow mused. I was just short of twenty will be followed by the small on the outside of a few years out battles never again and meet the parents of my heart very regret to see if you can think parents should give them a call to my unfilial apologized to them. I made up my mind, raised my head, spoke slowly, and spoke, a feeling of powerlessness until my spirit, and I lost consciousness again. It seemed like only a moment, and it seemed like a long time after I regained consciousness. As I said to him, I went back to the day when I was separated from my parents, but they still couldn't feel me. I could only look at them silently. I stood at my home table, and my parents and I sat around the table, and I was wearing a sample of my face. I have never looked at from the perspective of their own suddenly seemed so what is very b what mood what thoughts are all at a glance. Sitting "I hesitated to bl the" I want to go to work hard. It was my father's business in the financial crisis appears huge vulnerabilities are likely to face the collapse of his father wanted me to help him stay with him but I did not like to play and the courage to assume this responsibility. At that time, I had just come out of a second rate University, had been idling around at home, and refused to go to my father's company to help me. I was quite at home and planned to travel. My parents didn't say anything after hearing my words, but they were sitting tight with their brows, and my eyes were still a little hesitant. I can't remember how it was because of hesitation
    通过业以太网,如何在 S7-200 与 S7-300 或S7-400 之间组态S7 连接进行数据通信?

    S7-200 可以通过 CP243-1 作为服务器端和客户端建立 S7 连接,这意味着以下可能:
    在 S7-200 中配置一个客户端,意味着 S7-200 可主动建立 S7 连接。
    在 S7-200 中配置一个服务器端,意味着 S7-200 可被动地建立 S7 连接。远程的客户端与 S7-200 建立 S7 连接,S7-200 作为服务器提供数据。
    在 STEP 7 Micro/WIN 中使用以太网向导为S7-200 建立S7 通讯配置,对于 S7-300 和 S7-400 在 STEP 7 中完成 S7 连接组态配置。
    当配置 S7-200 和 S7-300 或 S7-400 的S7 通讯时参考下面的说明手册:
     S7_Komm_S7300.pdf ( 2441 KB )
    本例中S7-200,S7-300 和 S7-400 各自用一个CPU 和一个通讯模板,或者也可选用集成以太网通讯接口的 S7-300 和 S7-400 的 CPU。
    CP343-1 Lean仅支持作为服务器端做S7通讯时,这意味着如果在S7-300站选用CP343-1 Lean型通讯模块时,须将S7-300站组态成服务器和S7-200站组态成客户端进行S7通讯。
    AS-i 接口诊断,包括 AS-i 安全监视器,包括用于 SIMATIC S7-300 / S7-400 的 FB“ASIMON2D”V1.1
    AS-i 接口诊断,包括 AS-i 安全监视器,包括用于 SIMATIC S7-300 / S7-400 的 FB“ASIMON2D”V1.1
    AS-i 接口诊断,包括 AS-i 安全监视器,包括用于 SIMATIC S7-300 / S7-400 的 FB“ASIMON2D”V1.1
    诊断包在一个样例程序内包括一个用于 AS-i 安全监视器的诊断块和 AS-i 主站。
    功能块“ASIMON2D”V1.1 作为 AS-i 安全监视器和 S7-300 / S7-400 控制器之间的通信接口,将诊断数据从安全监视器读入 CPU 的数据数组。必须通过 ASIMON PC 组态软件为安全监视器分配一个 AS-i 从站地址 (监视器的基地址)。
    安全监视器内每个单独的逻辑操作块 (例如监视块、逻辑块、反馈环块、启动块、输出块) 的切换状态通过 AS-i 接口总线直接传送到控制器 (PLC)。逻辑操作块的状态 (例如“ON”、“acknowledgement expected”、“OFF”等) 被保存为 0 到 7 之间的 某个编码状态值。由 ASIMON 组态软件自动为每个逻辑操作块分配的在 32 到 70 之间取值的诊断索引号作为参考。对于不高于 ASIMON V2 的版本,诊断索引与块索引 (逻辑操作块的处理顺序) 相同 。从 ASIMON V2 起,用户可以自由地将诊断索引分配给任何块。
    此外,安全监视器的常规状态 (例如“shutdown”、“configuration operation”,等) 以及两个输出回路的状态 (“ON”、“start condition expected”、“OFF”等) 也被传送到 PLC。
    诊断数据以结构化的形式归档在 PLC 的一个数据块中,这些数据可用于驱动操作员面板上的信号灯,或者实现操作员面板上工厂画面的动态显示。
    诊断包中还包括一个用于主站诊断的功能块,通过该功能块可从 AS-i 接口读取系统状态。系统数据保存在另一个数据块中,其中包括每个 AS-i 从站的状态位,指示对应的从站是否故障 (状态 = 1)。还使用了其它一些位,例如用于表示 AS-i 电压故障 的位。主站诊断独立操作安全监视器,也可将其用于标准的 AS-i 接口网络。
    诊断包中包括一个功能全面的样例程序,该程序可以执行主站功能也可以进行安全监视器诊断。该样例配置有 2 个 AS-i 主站和 2 个安全监视器,但是也可以很方便地增减该配置。为了便于按照实际的系统进行调整,样例程序被配置为既可以适用于配有 CP343-2P/CP343-2 (无 PROFIBUS) 的 S7 站,也可以用于配有 DP/AS-i Link (包含 PROFIBUS) 的 S7 站。
    ASIMON 组态软件

    SIMATIC S7-300 / S7-400
    AS-i 主站 :例如:CP343-2P、CP343-2、DP/AS-i Link 20E、DP/AS-i LINK Advanced
    AS-i 安全监视器:例如:
            “增强”型 (3RK1105-1AE04-2CA0、3RK1105-1BE04-2CA0)
            “基本”型 (3RK1105-1AE04-0CA0、3RK1105-1BE04-0CA0)

    使用 SIMATIC 管理器中的 file – de-archive 功能解压缩文件。

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