Honeywell气体探测器Searchline Excel  2104B208
Honeywell气体探测器Searchline Excel 2104B208
上架日期:2018-07-18 18:51:45

    Honeywell霍尼韦尔气体探测器Searchline Excel

    Searchline Excel 开路式红外固定式气体探测器 2104B2081

    Searchline Excel是目前全球最畅销的开放式红外线气体探测器,有逾20000台已经安装在具有挑战性
    工业应用中。从北极圈到中东沙漠地区,Searchline Excel历来是我们客户的首选。
    虽然身处这种行业的领军位置。事实上,我们一直在仔细倾听着客户的心声并同他们齐心协力,做到精益求精!客户反馈直接成就了Searchline Excel,使其校准变得更加容易,并且具有了工业标准MODBUS和Hart数字信号输出的选择

    able Gas Detector Spares:

    2104B2391 - Short Range Telescope (Bayonet Fitting)

    2104B2322 - Medium / Long Range Telescope (Callipers)

    2104B0300 - Searchline Excel Isolation Kit Short Range

    2104B0310 - Searchline Excel Kit Medium/Long Range

    2104B2301 - Mounting Bracket Short Range And Insul. Kit

    2104B2302 - Mounting Bracket Long Range And Insul. Kit

    2104D0237 - Mounting Plate

    2104B2071 - Short Range Transmitter ATEX

    2104B2081 - Medium Range Transmitter ATEX

    2104B2091 - Long Range Transmitter ATEX

    2104B2111 - Short Range Receiver ATEX Source

    2104B2112 - Short Range Receiver ATEX Sink

    2104B2131 - Medium Range Receiver ATEX Source

    2104B2132 - Medium Range Receiver ATEX Sink

    2104B2151 - Long Range Receiver ATEX Source

    2104B2152 - Long Range Receiver ATEX Sink

    2104B3001 - Short Range Transmitter UL

    2104B3011 - Medium Range Transmitter UL

    2104B3021 - Long Range Transmitter UL

    2104B3101 - Short Range Receiver UL Source

    2104B3102 - Short Range Receiver UL Sink

    2104B3111 - Medium Range Receiver UL Source

    2104B3112 - Medium Range Receiver UL Sink

    2104B3121 - Long Range Receiver UL Source

    2104B3122 - Long Range Receiver UL Sink

    2104B3201 - Short Range Transmitter CSA

    2104B3211 - Medium Range Transmitter CSA

    2104B3221 - Long Range Transmitter CSA

    2104B3301 - Short Range Receiver CSA Source

    2104B3302 - Short Range Receiver CSA Sink

    2104B3311 - Medium Range Receiver CSA Source

    2104B3312 - Medium Range Receiver CSA Sink

    2104B3321 - Long Range Receiver CSA Source

    2104B3322 - Long Range Receiver CSA Sink

    2104B3522 - Long Range Receiver Inmetro Sink

    2104B3401 - Short Range Transmitter Inmetro

    2104B3411 - Medium Range Transmitter Inmetro

    2104B3421 - Long Range Transmitter Inmetro

    2104B3501 - Short Range Receiver Inmetro Source

    2104B3502 - Short Range Receiver Inmetro Sink

    2104B3511 - Medium Range Receiver Inmetro Source

    2104B3512 - Medium Range Receiver Inmetro Sink

    2104B3521 - Long Range Receiver Inmetro Source


    Excel is a hazardous area certified flammable infrared open path gas detector. Open path infrared gas detectors are ideal for applications in the harshest environments where reliability and perbance are of upmost importance. Excel provides the widest area of coverage, very high speed of response and no unseen failure modes.

    Excel comprises of a Transmitter and Receiver that are mounted at each end of the path to be monitored. Three versions are available: Short Range (5-40m), Medium Range (40-120m) and Long Range (120-200m). Hazardous area approvals include European (ATEX), North Amercian (UL) and Canadian (CSA). Receiver output is 3 wire 4-20mA selectable sink or source.

    Add the following sentence here: Please note that Searchline Excel CSA covers on Methane-calibrate versions.

    Please note that Searchline Excel CSA approval does not cover Ethylene calibrated versions.

    The DX termination unit (UL only) provides convenient mounting and field wiring connections as well as an intrinsically safe connection socket for the Handheld Interrogator. Additionally, the

    DX termination unit (UL only) allows for a multi drop Modbus RS485 interface. The Handheld Interrogator is a commissioning / maintenance tool and is certified for use in hazardous areas. For the direct connection to the Excel system, the SHC protection device module must be used.

    Commissioning of the system is perbed using an alignment kit that includes a handheld interrogator, bescope, carry case and test filters. Other accessories include a deluge shield/ sunshade, gassing cell, and handheld interrogator protection device.

    Features & Benefits

      Fast speed of response provides earliest warning

      High sensitivity allows low alarm set points

      Works in inert atmospheres

    Quick Specs

      Response speed: T90 less than 3 seconds (under normal operating conditions)

      Range: 0 to 5 LEL m.

      Operating temperature: -40° to +65°C (-40° to 150°F)

    Product Overview

    The Searchline Excel is the World’s best selling infrared open path gas detector with over 6,000 units installed in challenging applications throughout industry. From the Arctic Circle to Middle Eastern Deserts, customers have repeatedly selected the Searchline Excel as their preferred choice.

    The fundamental design of Searchline Excel has remained the same since its original launch and it continues to lead the field.

    Searchline Excel is totally immune to interference from sunlight or any other sources of radiation such as flare stacks, arc welding or lightning.

    The patented optical design used in Searchline Excel has proven itself as the only solution available that fully addresses all the challenges of open path gas detection. Unlike some competitive devices, it does not try to hide fundamental design inadequacy with the use of software masks that can compromise the unit’s ability to detect gas.

    Searchline Excel employs a patented double band pass filter that fully compensates for all types of fog and / or rain, thereby allowing it to continue to operate accuraby and reliably in all climatic conditions.

    Additional Features and Benefits:

    Why open path gas detection?

    Open path detectors complement the use of individual point detectors and offer many significant benefits including:

    •  Wider area coverage - most likely to pick up any leak

    •  Very high speed of response

    •  NO unrevealed failure modes - no possibility of blocked gas path to detector

    •  Detector b not as critical

    •  Indicates size of hazard

    Sample and reference detector alignment

    •  Reduced sensitivity to alignment

    •  Guaranteed perbance

    •  Reduced sensitivity to partial obscuration

    Improved hand-held software

    •  Integral functional gas test facility allows for simple system check

    •  Contamination resistant optics reduce the need for unscheduled maintenance

    •  Not affected by interference from water vapor

    •  Immune to catalytic poisons

    •  Works in inert atmospheres

    •  Simple confirmation of alignment

    •  Visual indication of target and current signal levels

    •  Compatible with existing systems

    Improved bescope

    •  High Power Rifle Telescope

    •  Easier to align with greater zoom and magnification

    •  Robust shock resistant design

    Features & benefits

    •  Fast speed of response provides earliest warning

    •  High sensitivity allows low alarm set points

    •  Alignment free design makes installation simple

    •  Duct flex and vibration tolerance keeps  the system online


    公司依托国内外一批成熟大客户:中海油渤海钻井平台,山东瑞星化工,河北沙河电厂,PAKISTAN NATIONAL REFINERY LIMITED,Petro Oil Supply SDN BHD,THUSO MOLOSIWA BOTSWANA POWER CORPORATION,巴西PAMPA1X345MW燃煤电站等,拥有一批非常优势的品牌资源.

    主营:Honeywell霍尼韦尔气体探测,Micro Motion艾默生高准质量流量计,罗斯蒙特变送器,霍尼韦尔控制系统与集成,燃烧控制产品,环境自控,阀门执行器、开关等。



    联系电话:021-37824198 / 17740803693

    QQ:1093845670/1016549297 专业为您选型。


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