009 CT模体
009 CT模体
上架日期:2018-08-27 09:56:44

    CIRS 009 CT模体

    The CIRS Model 009 Cube 20 Phantom was designed for routine QA in RT and IMRT applications where ease of use and quick set-up are important.  The Cube 20 phantom is manufactured from Plastic Water® DT which faithfully mimics the linear attenuations of water within 1% from 50 keV to 15 MeV.  This enables complete QA from CT image acquisitions to therapy dose verifications.  The 20 cm cubic dimension was chosen as a suitable approximation for both head/neck and torso treatments.  All the edges are rounded to avoid CT artifacts.

    Chamber, diode or MOSFET detectors are easily bed at isocenter of the cube and laser alignment marks on all sides facilitate precise bing of the phantom.* Detector b can be adjusted in 1 mm increments longitudinally and 5 mm increments for lateral and elevational adjustments. 

    Ready-Pac film can be inserted in the Cube.  By rotating the cube, the film is easily set in sagital, coronal or transverse orientations.

    Stainless steel fiducials are bly resolvable on CT images and leave small indentations on the film for precise film to plan registration.  Upon request, a recess can be milled in the interface surface for darkroom loading of radiographic film 5 x 6".

    美国CIRS 009放疗体模特点:

    • Routine patient QA

    • Beam constancy checks

    • MLC QA

    • User friendly set-up and bing

    • Suitable for head/neck and torso treatments

    • Mimics water within 1%

    *Customers are encouraged to complete their order with the purchase of
    the insert option listed below:

    009RW-CVXX-XX - Water equivalent cavity block (Plastic Water® DT)

    *NOTE: This product or an optional accessory of this product requires a CIRS dosimetry cavity code before an order can be placed. Please refer to the Dosimetry Cavity Codes document to identify the CIRS code for the probe you intend to use with this product. 

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