焦作阴极保护材料镁锰合金阳极高效施工High efficiency construction of magnesium-manganese alloy with coking cathode protection material
镁锰合金阳极Cathodic protection is an effective corrosion control measure, but for people who are not compleby familiar with it, it is a bit mysterious. Obviously, many people feel that cathodic protection is a complex. In fact, the basic principle of cathodic protection is very simple, and its complexity lies in the application of cathodic protection. Sacrificing anode cathode protection is the connection or welding of bls with negative potential on bl structures, such as aluminum alloy anodes, zinc anodes or magnesium anodes. The anode material is continuously consumed, and the current supply released is polarized by the protected bl structure and the cathode is protected. The American Association of Corrosive Engineers(NACE) defines cathode protection as the rate of corrosion by applying an applied electromotive force to the electrode's corrosion potential with a low oxidizing potential. The adoption of cathode protection technology to delay the corrosion of steel structures has two main types: sacrificial anode cathode protection and applied current cathode protection. Magnesium anode drive potential is high, easy to install, no need to maintain, is the most commonly used sacrifice anode in cathode protection systems. It is commonly used in buried areas to transport oil, natural gas pipelines, urban gas pipelines, and water pipelines. It can also be used for cathodic protection of steel structures in freshwater. According to inbation provided by a United States cathodic protection engineering company, cathodic protection is one of the economic means of preventing corrosion of steel tanks. Since the discovery of cathodic protection technology in 1824, cathodic protection technology has been widely used in the corrosion protection of steel structures in various fields such as petroleum and petrochemicals. Supply electrolysis zinc pure fossil ink anode block, from raw material production to processing a series of services.
根据电化学原理,从镁合金阳极材料体上通过土壤、水等电解质向被保护体如钢质结构提供阴极电流,使被保护的钢质结构进行阴极化,实现阴极保护。随着电流的不断流动,阳极材料不断消耗掉。这就是牺牲阳极名称的由来。 成套镁牺牲阳极,由镁牺牲阳极锭1支,一根VV-10㎜2电缆3米,填包料50kg,棉布口袋1条,塑料编织袋1条组成。即棉布口袋内有镁牺牲阳极锭1支其铁芯上焊VV-10㎜2电缆3米1根,焊接处做绝缘处理,并套有热缩管。镁牺牲阳极锭周围均匀分布50kg填包料。棉布口袋外套塑料编织袋1条。 镁牺牲阳极适用于在土壤、淡水及海水等介质中工作的钢质设施的阴极保护。