淡水铝合金牺牲阳极(a) The internal coating of the water tank shall be applied to insulate the bl from the dielectric environment by electroinsulation, and a number of magnesium alloy anodes shall be installed evenly inside the water tank as sacrifice anodes, the iron plate of the tank itself shall be used as a cathode, and the water shall be used as an electrolyte to polarize the whole structure; Form a secondary corrosion battery. In combination with cathodic protection technology and coating, cathodic protection can effectively prevent corrosion and extend the service life of the coating.,而涂层又可大大减少保护电流的需要量,改善保护电流分布,增大保护半径,使阴极保护变得更为经济有效,整个过程安全无害,有效的解决了消防水罐焊接处渗水的不足,操作简单、安全性好、稳定可靠,便于推广和应用。
公司主要产品:镁合金牺牲阳极系列、铝合金牺牲阳极系列、锌合金牺牲阳极系列、压铸用镁合金系列、镁合金半连续铸棒系列以及阴极保护配套产品等十几个品种和上百种规格。Our products and technologies are mainly used in cathodic protection works such as petrochemicals, marine platbs, urban pipe networks, dock steel piles, ships, tanks, etc..
淡水铝合金牺牲阳极我们提供的铝阳极能够防止海水中钢质结构的腐蚀,广泛应用于 船体、 压水舱、海水管道、港口码头设施、海洋工程、钻井平台、冷凝器以及土壤介质的管道等的防腐之用。铝阳极的性能受合金的化学成分影响,我们提供不同的合金组成 , 以满足顾客的要求, 我们也可以根据客户要求制造特殊规格的阳极。铝合金阳极生产执行GB4948-2002《铝-锌-铟系合金牺牲阳极》。
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