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广州三合自动化设备有限公司 |
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三合致力于推动世界智慧工厂的进程 确保工业4.0时代的早日到来
SIEMENS 可编程控制器
1、 SIMATIC S7 系列PLC、S7200、s71200、S7300、S7400、ET200
2、 逻辑控制模块 LOGO!230RC、230RCO、230RCL、24RC、24RCL等
3、 SITOP 系列直流电源 24V DC 1.3A、2.5A、3A、5A、10A、20A、40A
4、HMI 触摸屏TD200 TD400C TP177,MP277 MP377
SIEMENS 交、直流传动装置
1、 交流变频器 MICROMASTER系列:MM、MM420、MM430、MM440、ECO
2、全数字直流调速装置 6RA23、6RA24、6RA28、6RA70 系列
1、840D、802S/C、802SL、828D 801D :6FC5210,6FC6247,6FC5357,6FC5211,6FC5200,6FC5510,
2、伺服驱动 : 6SN1123,6SN1145,6SN1146,6SN1118,6SN1110,6SN1124,6SN1125,6SN1128
SIMATIC HMI触摸屏与称重模块 SIWAREX WP2x1直接通过Modbus通信时,需要注意什么?
具体请参考该 pdf (144,7 KB) 文档
可扩展的应用装置规模,从100到100.000 I/Os
“为你用的西门子原装的数控611伺服电源特价销36KW6SN1146-1BB02-0CA2东西花钱”- 多层次的价格针对软/硬件
多样的功能通过PCS7选件(如: TeleControl, PowerControl)
对于所有通讯的高可用性、(模拟量/HART, FF, Profibus, Profinet)
控制器的物理分离(<= 10公里)和IO 模块(不同机架)
包括安全和防爆配置直到 SIL 3
从COMOS开始进行工厂设计; 根据工艺层级对工厂进行建模; 采用CFC,SFC和安全矩阵等工具进行图形化组态; 面向过程对象的库; 工程组态流程中有效嵌入仿真功能
多用户和多项目工程组态; 批量工程组态(IEA, AES)
设备运行过程中执行更改; 简单升级无需调整组态
通过高级过程库(Advanced Process Library)实现舒适操控
通过高级过程画面(Advanced Process Graphics)快速监视工厂总貌
通过先进控制(Advanced Process Control)优化生产
通过Process Historian和Inbation Server全面展示生产历史信息
通过HART或者现场总线 (Profinet / Profibus / FF),集成模拟量设备参数的读写功能
“安全集成”- 在同一自动化基础构架上实现西门子原装的数控611伺服电源特价销36KW6SN1146-1BB02-0CA2标准的和安全相关的自动化任务
SIMATIC PCS 7 提供灵活的行业库概念:
APL为用途和功能设定标准; IL提供扩展功能技术块; 行业特定产品, 例如. CEMAT, SIPAT …
SIMATIC PCS 7还允许集成其他技术组件:
SIMATIC Batch & Route Control + APF; SIMATIC PCS 7 PowerControl; SIMATIC PCS 7 TeleControl ...
We are glad to inb you that the SITRANS Library V8.0 for SIMATIC STEP7 V5.6 is available for free download.
The SITRANS Library simplifies the integration of SITRANS and SIPART field devices and optimizes the operation by use of the relevant faceplates.
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The SITRANS Library V8.0 for SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.6 extends the standard functionality of the SIMATIC STEP 7 process control system concentrated in the SIMATIC PCS 7 Industry Library (IL) with technological blocks and faceplates for device-specific functions of the SITRANS and SIPART field devices. This allows you to easily operate all device functions, such as the dosing of the SITRANS F M MAG 6000 and FC430, in one single faceplate. The SITRANS Library is based on the modern design of the IL. Together with the IL, the SITRANS Library enables you to create harmonic solutions with a consistent look & feel and optimum use of the functions of the SITRANS and SIAPRT field devices in many industries. The SITRANS Library is a unique add-on to the existing SIMATIC STEP 7 libraries with unique benefits for the customer in combination with SITRANS and SIAPRT field devices and SIMATIC STEP 7.
It helps to accelerate the engineering process, reduces the time to market, and simplifies process control.
In addition, operator functions (such as "Dosing“ of the SITRANS F M MAG 6000 and SITRANS FC430) and process-related diagnostic inbation (such as empty pipe detection and flow direction) are provided.
The Version 8.0 contains function blocks and faceplates for the following devices:
The SITRANS Library can be used in the following sectors of the process industry:
With immediate effect the SITRANS Library V8.0 is available for free download:
Free Download SITRANS Library.
The manuals for the SITRANS Library are available by using the following b: manual.
Customer Support
Siemens offers service & support at each project phase, from planning stage through commissioning to maintenance and modernization. For an overview of the complete perbance spectrum please visit:
customer support.
For an overview about the support entries for process instrumentation please visit:
process instrumentation.
Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest inbation on your product range. To register, click on the mySupport b: mySupport.
You can request help from our technical support (hotline) by sending a support request: Support Request.
Additional Inbation
For more inbation about the SITRANS Library please visit: SITRANS Library.
For more inbation about Process instrumentation please visit: Process Instrumentation.
For more inbation about SIMATIC STEP 7 please visit: SIMATIC STEP7.
For further questions please contact Lukas Marschalek, PD PA PI PRM PT lukas.marschalek@siemens.com
You can also contact your partner at your local Siemens office (Siemens partners on the Internet).