INCO-WELD Filler Metal 686CPT超合金镍基氩弧焊丝 ERNiCrMo-14
INCO-WELD 686CPT Filler Metal is used for gas-tungsten-arc and gas-bl-arc welding
of duplex, super-duplex and super-austenitic stainless steels, as well as nickel alloys such as
UNS N06059 and N06022, INCONEL alloy C-276, and INCONEL alloys 622, 625, and 686. It
is also capable of being used to deposit overlays of outstanding corrosion-resistance onto a
range of steels. The high alloy levels (of Cr + Mo + W) result in increased resistance to pitting,
crevice and general corrosion. INCO-WELD 686CPT Filler Metal is of great value for service
environments requiring general corrosion-resistance in HCI or sulfuric acid; for resistance to
crevice corrosion in hot, concentrated acid chloride solutions such as sulfur dioxide, saturated
NaCl solutions and oxidizing chloride solutions; and for resistance to intergranular attack, and
for resistance to intergranular attack, after sensitization, in highly oxidizing environments.
Submerged arc welding can be done with INCOFLUX NT120 Submerged Arc Flux.