上架日期:2018-11-30 16:35:09






    任艳红 18135002626  E-mail:2120085434@qq.com                          

    代理品牌:韩国:SANG-A接头软管  YSC气动    TPC    AUTONICS  SANWO  PMC

    美国:霍尼韦尔(HONEYWELL  ROSS   MAC  ASCO  Clippard(克力帕)德国:宝德(BURKERT)、力士乐(BOSCH-REXROTH)、费斯托KTR联轴器  哈威(HAWEHBM日本:SMC、喜开理(CKD)、太阳铁工(TAIYO)、小金井(KOGANEI)英国:诺冠(NORGREN)、              

    法国:乐可利(LEGRIS)接头、软管、阀门等台湾:金器(MINDMAN)新恭(SHAKO)兴冶 中鼎FOTEKODE电磁阀`CAMOZZI康茂胜美国:A-B 低压、变频、软启、PLC等 美国GEBANNER MTS传感器 罗斯蒙特施耐德(TE、梅兰日兰、莫迪康)奥普士(OPTEX)光电开关`接近开关`光电放大器`光纤 竹中((TAKEX) 西门子(SIEMENS)、金钟-墨勒(MOELLER)、爱福门(IFM)施迈赛(SCHMERSAL) 图尔克(TURCK)、施克(SICK)巴鲁夫(BALLUFF)倍加福(P+FLeuze(劳易测) 威图(RITTAL)EBM风机 MURR穆尔NEGELE  E+H仪器仪表 日本:欧姆龙(OMRON)、和泉(IDEC)、三菱(MITSUBISHI)、富士(FUJI)山武(YAMATAKE)限位开关、调节器 `倍福(BECKHOFF`奥莎(IASTARHANYOUNG(韩荣)、KOINO(建兴)科瑞CONTRINEX  ELMA开关奥康(AUCOM瑞典:百通BENTONE 丹麦:格兰富(GRUNDFOS)水泵   荏原(EBAR弗兰德(FLENDER)电机减速机任艳红18135002626


    19264 Standard cyl.   ESNU-16-25-P-A
    19265 Standard cyl.   ESNU-16-50-P-A
    19266 Standard cyl.   ESNU-20-10-P-A
    19267 Standard cyl.   ESNU-20-25-P-A
    19268 Standard cyl.   ESNU-20-50-P-A
    19269 Standard cyl.   ESNU-25-10-P-A
    19270 Standard cyl.   ESNU-25-25-P-A
    19271 Standard cyl.   ESNU-25-50-P-A
    19272 Mounting kit    SMBR-8
    19273 Mounting kit    SMBR-10
    19274 Mounting kit    SMBR-12
    19275 Mounting kit    SMBR-16
    19276 Mounting kit    SMBR-20
    19277 Mounting kit    SMBR-25
    19293 Vacuum gener.   VAD-M5
    19294 Vacuum gener.   VAD-3/8
    19360 Foot mounting   HQ-40-W
    19361 Foot mounting   HQ-50-W
    19362 Foot mounting   HQ-63-W
    19363 Foot mounting   HQ-80-W
    19364 Foot mounting   HQ-100-W
    19380 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-40-90-PPVJ-A
    19381 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-40-180-PPVJ-A
    19382 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-40-360-PPVJ-A
    19383 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-50-90-PPVJ-A
    19384 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-50-180-PPVJ-A
    19385 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-50-360-PPVJ-A
    19386 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-63-90-PPVJ-A
    19387 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-63-180-PPVJ-A
    19388 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-63-360-PPVJ-A
    19389 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-80-90-PPVJ-A
    19390 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-80-180-PPVJ-A
    19391 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-80-360-PPVJ-A
    19392 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-100-90-PPVJ-A
    19393 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-100-180-PPVJ-A
    19394 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-100-360-PPVJ-A
    19395 Centr. mounting ZBRQ-40
    19396 Centr. mounting ZBRQ-50
    19397 Centr. mounting ZBRQ-63
    19398 Centr. mounting ZBRQ-80
    19399 Centr. mounting ZBRQ-100
    19521 Barbed fitting  CN-M5-PK-2
    19523 Brb. l-fitting  LCN-M5-PK-2
    19525 Brb. t fitting  TCN-M5-PK-2
    19527 Barbed t-conn.  FCN-3-PK-2-B
    19528 B/head brb.conn SCN-PK-2
    19539 Barbed L-conn.  L-PK-2
    19540 Brbd Y-connect. Y-PK-2
    19541 Brb.tub. conn.  RTU-PK-2/2-B
    19542 Brb.tub. conn.  RTU-PK-2/3
    19699 Solenoid valve  MVH-5/3B-3/8-B
    19700 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-3/8-B
    19701 Solenoid valve  MVH-5-1/4-B
    19702 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-3/8-S-B
    19705 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-3/8-B
    19706 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-3/8-S-B
    19707 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3G-3/8-B
    19708 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3E-3/8-B
    19709 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3B-3/8-B
    19749 Solenoid valve  MVH-5-1/8-L-B
    19750 Solenoid valve  MVH-5-1/8-L-S-B
    19758 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/8-B
    19759 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/8-S-B
    19779 Solenoid valve  MVH-5-1/8-B
    19786 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3E-1/4-B
    19787 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3G-1/4-B
    19788 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3B-1/4-B
    19789 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-1/4-B
    19790 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-1/4-S-B
    19796 Spiral p.tubing PPS-6-7,5-1/4-BL
    19797 Spiral p.tubing PPS-6-15-1/4-BL
    19798 Spiral p.tubing PPS-4-7,5-1/4-BL
    19799 Spiral p.tubing PPS-4-15-1/4-BL
    19961 Linear drive    DGOC- 16-    PPV-A B -SA
    19998 Round cylinder  DGC- 16-    P-A      -SA
    19999 Round cylinder  DGC- 25-    PPVA     -SA
    25008 Round cylinder  ESN- 12-  25         -SA
    25018 Round cylinder  DG - 25-    P        -SA
    25025 Pneumatic valve VL -2-1/4            -SA
    25039 Round cylinder  ESN- 20-  50P        -SA
    25049 Cylinder        D  - 20-             -SA
    25072 Stop sig.gener  SV-2-0,9-PK-3        -SA
    25261 Selector switch NR-22-SWX2
    25269 Round cylinder  EGS- 25-  50-Z       -SA
    25274 1-way contr.val GRA-1/8              -SA
    25300 Rotary distrib. GF -1/4  2 FACH-SA
    25311 Stem act. valve V  -3-1/8            -SA
    25314 P/butt.actuator T  -22 NT            -SA
    25316 Indicat.insert  MCLZ-110...220       -SA
    25322 Cyl/valve combi DMF-  5X20-  16      -SA
    25325 Solenoid valve  MC -2-3/4            -SA
    25334 Stem act. valve V  -  3-1/4-S6       -SA
    25352 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/4            -SA
    25359 Solenoid valve  MFH-3-1/4            -SA
    25370 Stem act. valve V  -3-1/8            -SA
    25375 Pneumatic valve VL -2-1/4            -SA
    25377 Back pres. stop SN -M5               -SA
    25393 Quick exh. val. SEU-3/8-1/2          -SA
    25404 Round cylinder  DSN- 25-    -P-SA
    25623 H/slide valve   W  -3-1/2            -SA
    25634 Valve combin.   BMOFH-2-3-M5         -SA
    25642 Cylinder        D  - 70-14,5P-S2     -SA
    25656 Elbow fitting   LJK-1/2              -SA
    25660 Mo.-Block valve OS/ZK/ZK-PK3-6/3     -SA
    25725 Valve combin.   VL-3-0,5-N-0,4       -SA
    25732 1-way contr.val GRA-1/4-D            -SA
    25738 Hollow bolt     VT -1/2-1/2          -SA
    25749 Toggle switch   H-22-SWX2
    25768 Supply manifold DLVS-5               -SA
    25837 Vacuum gener.   VAD-1/4              -SA
    25848 Solenoid valve  MCH-4-1/8            -SA
    25850 Solenoid valve  MC -3-1/4            -SA
    25851 Mo.-Block valve VB-MC-1/4-SA
    25866 Push-in L-fit   LCS-PK-6 KU          -SA
    25913 PE converter    PE -1/8-1N-SW        -SA
    25916 Round cylinder  EG - 12-   5         -SA
    25930 Indicat.insert  MCL-110/50           -SA
    25932 Manifold block  PRS-1/8-8 B          -SA
    25954 Stem act. valve V  -2-M5             -SA
    25984 Solenoid valve  CM -5/2-1/4-FHZS     -SA
    25985 Solenoid valve  CM -5/2-1/2-FHZS     -SA
    26027 Linear drive    DGO- 40-    PPVA-B   -SA
    26048 Flanged gauge   FMA-50-6             -SA
    26098 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/8            -SA
    26109 Bin.reduct.val. VLL-3-M5 B           -SA
    26117 Hyd. cush. cyl. YZL-                 -SA
    26118 Hyd. cush. cyl. YZL-X-               -SA
    26143 Cylinder combi  BDF-2X25-17P         -SA
    26174 Solenoid valve  MF -3-1/4   -SEU     -SA
    26194 Nipple          KNV-M5               -SA
    26200 Non-ret. valve  H  -1/2 B            -SA
    26233 Bellows kit     DURCHM. 32           -SA
    26235 Bellows kit     DURCHM. 32           -SA
    26237 Bellows kit     DURCHM. 40           -SA
    26239 Bellows kit     DURCHM. 40           -SA
    26245 Bellows kit     DURCHM. 50/63        -SA
    26247 Bellows kit     DURCHM. 50/63        -SA
    26253 Bellows kit     DURCHM. 80/100       -SA
    26255 Bellows kit     DURCHM. 80/100       -SA
    26263 Solenoid valve  CM -5/2-1/2-FH       -SA
    26264 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-1/8           -SA
    26265 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/8            -SA
    26304 Valve combin.   VL -2-1/4            -SA
    26319 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/8-S          -SA
    26335 Plastic tubing  PU - 9 BL            -SA
    26380 Pressure switch SA                   -SA
    26411 Rotary distrib. GF -1/4-2FACH-S9-SA
    26439 1-way contr.val GRA-1/4-B            -SA
    26492 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-1/4           -SA
    26524 Round cylinder  DSN- 16-  25P        -SA
    26532 Non-ret. valve  H  -1/2-A/I-         -SA
    26572 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-1/8           -SA
    26579 Solenoid valve  MFH-3-1/8            -SA
    26616 Solenoid valve  MFH-3-1/8            -SA
    26617 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/8            -SA
    26625 Solenoid valve  MFH-3-1/8            -SA
    26626 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/8            -SA
    26627 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-1/8           -SA
    26628 Solenoid valve  MFH-3-1/4            -SA
    26629 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/4            -SA
    26663 H/slide valve   W  -2-1/8            -SA
    26664 H/slide valve   W  -2-1/4            -SA
    26684 Pneumatic valve VL/O-3-3,3           -SA
    26685 Hood            SONDERANFERT.        -SA
    26705 Round cylinder  DSNU- 20-       PPVA -SA
    26718 Flat cylinder   DZH- 32-    PPVA-S20 -SA
    26781 Series sub-base NAB-1/2-3CD-2
    26782 Series sub-base NAB-1/2-3CD-3
    26783 Series sub-base NAB-1/2-3CD-4
    26784 Series sub-base NAB-1/2-3CD-5
    26785 Series sub-base NAB-1/2-3CD-6
    26786 Series sub-base NAB-1/2-3CD-7
    26787 Series sub-base NAB-1/2-3CD-8
    26788 Series sub-base NAB-1/2-3CD-9
    26789 Series sub-base NAB-1/2-3CD-10
    26790 Series sub-base NAB-1/2-3CD-11
    26791 Series sub-base NAB-1/2-3CD-12
    26817 Adapter         AP-DGO-16 B          -SA
    26819 Adapter         AP-DGO-40 B-SA       -SA
    26855 PE converter    PEN-M5-PS-M8         -SA
    26877 Solenoid valve  LC -3-1/4            -SA
    26878 Solenoid valve  LC -4-1/8            -SA
    26908 Flat cylinder   DZH- 50-             -SA
    26916 Round cylinder  DSN- 25-    -PPV -SA
    26947 Valve combin.   VL -2-1/8            -SA
    26978 Semi-rot. drive DSR- 25- 180P        -SA
    26993 Rotary distrib. GF -3/4              -SA
    27131 Plastic tubing  PVC-6                -SA
    27132 Plastic tubing  PVC-9                -SA
    27133 Plastic tubing  PVC-13               -SA
    27134 Plastic tubing  PVC-19               -SA
    27140 Cyl/valve combi ESM- 10-   4P        -SA
    27150 Double nipple   NW4-I                -SA
    27164 Round cylinder  DSN- 20-    -P-SA
    27168 Ball valve      QH -1/2              -SA
    27171 Press regulator LR -1/8-F7-I         -SA
    27184 Guide unit      FENM- 32-    -KF
    27186 Guide unit      FENM- 50-    -KF
    27187 Guide unit      FENM- 63-    -KF
    27188 Guide unit      FENM- 80-    -KF
    27189 Guide unit      FENM-100-    -KF
    27305 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-1/8-S-SA      -SA
    27349 Pneumatic valve VL-2-1/8-SA
    27350 Solenoid valve  MF-2-1/8-S-SA
    27368 Clamping module AV - 35-   2         -SA
    27440 Series sub-base NAB-3/8-2CD-2
    27441 Series sub-base NAB-3/8-2CD-3
    27442 Series sub-base NAB-3/8-2CD-4
    27443 Series sub-base NAB-3/8-2CD-5
    27444 Series sub-base NAB-3/8-2CD-6
    27445 Series sub-base NAB-3/8-2CD-7
    27446 Series sub-base NAB-3/8-2CD-8
    27447 Series sub-base NAB-3/8-2CD-9
    27448 Series sub-base NAB-3/8-2CD-10
    27449 Series sub-base NAB-3/8-2CD-11
    27450 Series sub-base NAB-3/8-2CD-12
    27453 Clevis foot     LB - 25              -SA
    27474 Pressure switch PEV-1/4-B            -SA
    27475 Mo.-Block valve VB -2-1/8            -SA
    27533 Cyl/valve combi ESM- 12-  12P        -SA
    27605 Swivel flange   SNGB- 32             -SA
    27607 Swivel flange   SNGB- 80             -SA
    27608 Clevis foot     LN - 32              -SA
    27629 Pneumatic valve V  -2/2-0,5          -SA
    27662 Tie rod cyl.    DNGV-160-    PPV     -SA
    27663 Tie rod cyl.    DNGV-200-    PPV     -SA
    27667 Tie rod cyl.    DNGV-160-            -SA
    27672 Cyl/valve combi ESNU- 12-  10P-Z     -SA
    27707 Round cylinder  DSN- 25-  80P        -SA
    27752 1-way contr.val GRLA-1/8-B-F         -SA
    27753 1-way contr.val GRLA-1/4-B-F         -SA
    27754 1-way contr.val GRLA-3/8-B-F         -SA
    27755 1-way contr.val GRLA-1/2-B-F         -SA
    27756 Round cylinder  DG -  6-  10         -SA
    27777 Flat cylinder   DZH- 50- 500PPVAS20  -SA
    27778 Mounting plate  HBF- 32-
    27779 Mounting plate  HBF- 40-
    27780 Mounting plate  HBF- 50-
    27781 Mounting plate  HBF- 63-
    27782 Mounting plate  HBF- 80-
    27783 Mounting plate  HBF-100-
    27828 Plastic tubing  PT-6-PTFE            -SA
    27832 Pneumatic valve AN -4-1/2            -SA
    27840 Round cylinder  EG - 16-  15-Z       -SA
    27846 Round cylinder  DG - 12-    -P        -&
    27850 Sh/stroke cyl.  EL-20-   4           -SA
    27856 Pressure gauge  MA -50-10-1/4-EN     -SA
    27890 Cyl/valve combi AVLM- 20-  10        -SA
    27909 Sh/stroke cyl.  DL- 20-  10          -SA
    27930 Sh/stroke cyl.  AVL- 20- 10-Z        -SA
    27938 Mounting plate  HBF- 20/25-
    27956 Guide unit      FENM- 20-    -KF
    27963 Pin cylinder    D  - 50-  25-P-A-S2  -SA
    27968 Guide unit      FENM- 25-    -KF
    27979 Roller lever v. RW -5/3E-4,0-B       -SA
    27985 Solenoid valve  MEH-5/3E-4,0-B       -SA
    27993 Sh/stroke cyl.  ADV- 25-   6S2       -SA
    28023 P/butt.actuator T  -22 GR            -SA
    28067 Suction cup c.  VAS- 55- 1/4-NBR     -SA
    28095 Hollow bolt     HL -M5-S9            -SA
    28132 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/8            -SA
    28138 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-1/8           -SA
    28266 Roller lever v. R  -5-1/4 B          -SA
    28320 Round cylinder  ESN- 12-  25P   -SA
    28357 Round cylinder  DGS- 16-    P-S2     -SA
    28365 Solenoid valve  CM -5/2-1/4-FH       -SA
    28378 Swiv/lever val. RW/O-3-1/8-S6        -SA
    28381 Integrat. block INTEGRATIONSPL.
    28446 Reducing nipple D  -1/4I-1/2A        -SA
    28473 Vacuum gener.   VAD-1/4-S9           -SA
    28479 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/4            -SA
    28486 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-1/4           -SA
    28488 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/8            -SA
    28489 Roller lever v. RO -3-1/4B           -SA
    28495 Flow control    SONDERANF.           -SA
    28552 Roller lever v. R  -3-1/4 B          -SA
    28614 Round cylinder  DSN-  8-  10P        -SA
    28616 Solenoid valve  MFH-3-1/8-S          -SA
    28617 Solenoid valve  MFH-3-1/4-S          -SA
    28628 Cylinder kit    BDGO- 40-B           -SA
    28661 Suction cup c.  VAS- 40-1/4-S69-     -SA
    28676 F/panel valve   SV -5-M5-B           -SA
    28688 Manifold rail   PAL-1/8-             -SA
    28719 Solenoid valve  MFH- 5-1/4           -SA
    28757 Quick exh. val. SE -1/4-B            -SA
    28779 Linear drive    DGO- 16-    PPVAB    -SA
    28780 Linear drive    DGO- 25-    PPVAB    -SA
    28781 Linear drive    DGO- 40-    PPVAB    -SA
    28811 1-way contr.val GRA-1/8              -SA
    28831 Solenoid valve  MFH-3-1/4            -SA
    28862 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-1/8-110VDC-TT30-&
    28879 Flat cylinder   DZH- 40-    PPVA-S20 -SA
    28880 Linear drive    DGO- 12-    PA B     -SA
    28882 Linear drive    DGO- 16-    PPV A B  -SA
    28884 Linear drive    DGO- 25-    PPV A B  -SA
    28886 Linear drive    DGO- 40-    PPV A B  -SA
    28892 Linear drive    DGO- 25-    PA  H B  -SA
    28938 Sh/stroke cyl.  ADVL- 20-  25        -SA
    28946 Solenoid valve  MFH-3-1/8            -SA
    28962 Solenoid valve  MFH-3-1/4            -SA
    28993 Plug s. w cable SIM-K-WD-5-HF        -SA
    29001 Solenoid valve  MFH-3-1/4            -SA
    29066 Linear drive    DGO- 40-    P-A H B  -SA
    29240 Prop-press reg. MPP-3-1/4-10         -SA
    29268 F/panel valve   SV/O-3-1/8           -SA
    29293 Selector switch N  -30-S             -SA
    29374 Solenoid valve  MEH/O-3-3,3-S        -SA
    29435 Flange cylinder EFK- 16-  25P-S3     -SA
    29499 Hyd. cush. cyl. YZL-125              -SA
    29529 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/4-SEU        -SA
    29612 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/8-S          -SA
    29658 Round cylinder  DGS- 20-  80PPV      -SA
    29675 Non-ret. valve  H  -1/8A/J     -     -SA
    29701 Sh/stroke cyl.  ADVL- 20-  25        -SA
    29703 Sh/stroke cyl.  ADVL- 20-  10        -SA
    29725 Round cylinder  EG -  4-  20-PK2     -SA
    29939 Round cylinder  DSN- 20-  50         -SA
    29941 Guide tube mod. KPL.M.ANKER O.SP     -SA
    29977 1-way contr.val GR -1/8              -SA
    29980 Solenoid valve  MVH-5-1/2            -SA
    30005 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-    -PPV-A
    30050 Standard cyl.   DNGL-40-    -PPV-A
    30053 Standard cyl.   DNGL-80-    -PPV-A
    30054 Standard cyl.   DNGL-100-    -PPV-A
    30252 Flange cylinder EFK-8-10-P
    30253 Flange cylinder EFK-8-25-P
    30254 Flange cylinder EFKL-10-10-P
    30255 Flange cylinder EFKL-10-25-P
    30256 Flange cylinder EFKL-8-10-P
    30257 Flange cylinder EFKL-8-25-P
    30258 Flange cylinder EFKL-10-40-P
    30260 Flange cylinder EFK-10-10-P
    30261 Flange cylinder EFK-10-25-P
    30262 Flange cylinder EFK-10-40-P
    30268 Flange cylinder DFK-8-10-P
    30269 Flange cylinder DFK-8-25-P
    30270 Flange cylinder DFK-8-40-P
    30272 Flange cylinder DFK-10-10-P
    30273 Flange cylinder DFK-10-25-P
    30274 Flange cylinder DFK-10-40-P
    30275 Flange cylinder DFK-10-50-P
    30276 Solenoid valve  MEH-3-M5-LCN
    30277 Solenoid valve  MEH-3-1/8-LCN
    30280 Supply manifold PAL-1/4-2-B
    30281 Supply manifold PAL-1/4-3-B
    30282 Supply manifold PAL-1/4-4-B
    30283 Supply manifold PAL-1/4-5-B
    30284 Supply manifold PAL-1/4-6-B
    30285 Supply manifold PAL-1/4-7-B
    30286 Supply manifold PAL-1/4-8-B
    30287 Supply manifold PAL-1/4-9-B
    30288 Supply manifold PAL-1/4-10-B
    30290 Sealing ring    O-M3-B
    30422 Sub-base        NASE-1/4-1-ISO
    30423 Sub-base        NAUE-1/4-1-ISO
    30426 Sub-base        NASE-1/4-NPT-1-ISO
    30427 Sub-base        NAUE-1/4-NPT-1-ISO
    30436 90° sub-base    NAW-3/8-NPT-2E
    30441 Prox. sensor    SMTSO-1-PS-S-LED-24
    30450 Connect. cable  SIM-M12-RS-3GD-3
    30451 Connect. cable  SIM-M12-RS-3WD-3
    30457 Prox. sensor    SMEO-1-B
    30459 Prox. sensor    SMEO-1-LED-24-B
    30475 Solenoid valve  JMVH-5-1/8-B
    30476 Solenoid valve  JMVH-5-1/8-S-B
    30477 Solenoid valve  MVH-5/3G-1/8-B
    30478 Solenoid valve  MVH-5/3E-1/8-B
    30480 Solenoid valve  MVH-5/3B-1/8-B
    30483 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3E-1/8-B
    30484 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3G-1/8-B
    30485 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3B-1/8-B
    30486 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-1/8-B
    30487 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-1/8-S-B
    30491 Brb. l-fitting  LCN-M3-PK-2-B
    30492 Brb. t fitting  TCN-M3-PK-2
    30542 Manifold block  PRS-1/8-2-BB
    30543 Manifold block  PRS-1/8-3-BB
    30544 Manifold block  PRS-1/8-4-BB
    30545 Manifold block  PRS-1/8-5-BB
    30546 Manifold block  PRS-1/8-6-BB
    30547 Manifold block  PRS-1/8-7-BB
    30548 Manifold block  PRS-1/8-8-BB
    30549 Manifold block  PRS-1/8-9-BB
    30550 Manifold block  PRS-1/8-10-BB
    30552 Supply manifold PAL-1/8-2-B
    30553 Supply manifold PAL-1/8-3-B
    30554 Supply manifold PAL-1/8-4-B
    30555 Supply manifold PAL-1/8-5-B
    30556 Supply manifold PAL-1/8-6-B
    30557 Supply manifold PAL-1/8-7-B
    30558 Supply manifold PAL-1/8-8-B
    30559 Supply manifold PAL-1/8-9-B
    30560 Supply manifold PAL-1/8-10-B
    30580 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-40-90-PPV-A
    30581 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-40-180-PPV-A
    30582 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-40-270-PPV-A
    30583 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-40-360-PPV-A
    30584 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-50-90-PPV-A
    30585 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-50-180-PPV-A
    30586 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-50-270-PPV-A
    30587 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-50-360-PPV-A
    30588 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-63-90-PPV-A
    30589 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-63-180-PPV-A
    30590 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-63-270-PPV-A
    30591 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-63-360-PPV-A
    30592 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-80-90-PPV-A
    30593 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-80-180-PPV-A
    30594 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-80-270-PPV-A
    30595 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-80-360-PPV-A
    30596 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-100-90-PPV-A
    30597 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-100-180-PPV-A
    30598 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-100-270-PPV-A
    30599 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-100-360-PPV-A
    30600 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-40-270-PPVJ-A
    30601 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-50-270-PPVJ-A
    30602 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-63-270-PPVJ-A
    30603 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-80-270-PPVJ-A
    30604 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-100-270-PPVJ-A
    30629 Swivel flange   SZB-50
    30630 Swivel flange   SZB-63
    30648 Micro switch    S-3-BE
    30654 Semi-rot. drive DSRL-12-180-P-FW
    30655 Semi-rot. drive DSRL-16-180-P-FW
    30656 Semi-rot. drive DSRL-25-180-P-FW
    30657 Semi-rot. drive DSRL-32-180-P-FW
    30658 Semi-rot. drive DSRL-40-180-P-FW
    30659 Guide unit      FENV- 25-    -KF
    30660 Guide unit      FENV- 32-    -KF
    30661 Guide unit      FENV- 40-    -KF
    30662 Guide unit      FENV- 50-    -KF
    30663 Guide unit      FENV- 63-    -KF
    30664 Guide unit      FENV- 80-    -KF
    30665 Guide unit      FENV-100-    -KF
    30666 Cover plate     PRSB-1/4-B
    30680 Supply manifold PAL-3/8-10-B
    30681 Cover plate     PRSB-3/8-B
    30682 Manifold block  PRS-3/8-2-B
    30683 Manifold block  PRS-3/8-3-B
    30684 Manifold block  PRS-3/8-4-B
    30685 Manifold block  PRS-3/8-5-B
    30686 Manifold block  PRS-3/8-6-B
    30688 Manifold block  PRS-3/8-8-B
    30690 Manifold block  PRS-3/8-10-B
    30692 Supply manifold PAL-3/8-2-B
    30693 Supply manifold PAL-3/8-3-B
    30694 Supply manifold PAL-3/8-4-B
    30695 Supply manifold PAL-3/8-5-B
    30696 Supply manifold PAL-3/8-6-B
    30697 Supply manifold PAL-3/8-7-B
    30698 Supply manifold PAL-3/8-8-B
    30699 Supply manifold PAL-3/8-9-B
    30705 Quick connector CK -3/8-PK-8
    30706 Lquick connect  LCK-3/8-PK-8
    30707 Solenoid valve  MELH-3-0,9
    30798 Swivel flange   SZB-32
    30799 Swivel flange   SZB-40
    30903 Cover plate     PALB-1/8-B
    30904 Cover plate     PALB-1/4-B
    30905 Cover plate     PALB-3/8-B
    30918 Brbd.v-connect. V-PK-2
    30919 Brb.t-connector T-PK-2
    30920 Brbd.v-connect. V-PK-4
    30923 Foot mounting   HSR-12-FW
    30924 Foot mounting   HSR-16-FW
    30925 Foot mounting   HSR-25-FW
    30926 Foot mounting   HSR-32-FW
    30927 Foot mounting   HSR-40-FW
    30929 Free wheel unit FLSR-12-R
    30930 Free wheel unit FLSR-12-L
    30931 Plug s. w cable KMC-1-24DC-2,5-LED
    30932 Plug s. w cable KMC-1-230AC-2,5
    30933 Plug s. w cable KMC-1-24DC-5-LED
    30934 Plug s. w cable KMC-1-230AC-5
    30935 Plug s. w cable KMF-1-24DC-2,5-LED
    30936 Plug s. w cable KMF-1-230AC-2,5
    30937 Plug s. w cable KMF-1-24DC-5-LED
    30938 Plug s. w cable KMF-1-230AC-5
    30939 Plug s. w cable KMV-1-24DC-2,5-LED
    30940 Plug s. w cable KMV-1-230AC-2,5
    30941 Plug s. w cable KMV-1-24DC-5-LED
    30942 Plug s. w cable KMV-1-230AC-5
    30943 Plug s. w cable KME-1-24DC-2,5-LED
    30945 Plug s. w cable KME-1-24DC-5-LED
    30979 Blanking plug   B-M3-S9
    30980 Reducing nipple D-M3I-M5A-S9
    30981 Distrib.block   FR-9-M3-B
    30982 Brb. l-fitting  LCN-M3-PK-3
    30983 Brb. t fitting  TCN-M3-PK-3
    30984 Rod coupler     FK-M5
    30985 Barbed fitting  CRCN-M5-PK-2
    30987 Double nipple   E-M3-M3-S9
    30988 Pneumatic valve J-5-1/8-B
    30990 Pneumatic valve VL-5/3G-1/8-B
    30991 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/8-L-B
    30992 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/8-L-S-B
    30993 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3G-1/8-S-B
    30994 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3E-1/8-S-B
    30995 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3B-1/8-S-B
    30996 Solenoid valve  MVH-5-1/8-S-B
    30997 Solenoid valve  MVH-5/3G-1/8-S-B
    30998 Solenoid valve  MVH-5/3E-1/8-S-B
    30999 Solenoid valve  MVH-5/3B-1/8-S-B
    31000 Pneumatic valve VL-5-1/8-B
    31001 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3G-1/4-S-B
    31002 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3E-1/4-S-B
    31003 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3B-1/4-S-B
    31004 Solenoid valve  MVH-5/3G-1/4-S-B
    31005 Solenoid valve  MVH-5/3E-1/4-S-B
    31006 Solenoid valve  MVH-5/3B-1/4-S-B
    31008 Prox. sensor    SMPO-1-H-B
    31009 Solenoid valve  MVH-5-1/4-L-B
    31010 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/4-L-B
    31309 Pneumatic valve VL-5/3E-1/8-B
    31310 Pneumatic valve VL-5/3B-1/8-B
    31314 Barbed t-conn.  FCN-3-PK-3/2
    31315 Barbed t-conn.  FCN-3-PK-4/3
    31316 Barbed t-conn.  FCN-3-PK-6/4
    31317 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3G-3/8-S-B
    31318 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3E-3/8-S-B
    31319 Solenoid valve  MFH-5/3B-3/8-S-B
    31740 Clevis foot     LSNG-32
    31741 Clevis foot     LSNG-40
    31742 Clevis foot     LSNG-50
    31743 Clevis foot     LSNG-63
    31744 Clevis foot     LSNG-80
    31745 Clevis foot     LSNG-100
    31746 Clevis foot     LSNG-125
    31747 Clevis foot     LSNSG-32
    31748 Clevis foot     LSNSG-40
    31749 Clevis foot     LSNSG-50
    31750 Clevis foot     LSNSG-63
    31751 Clevis foot     LSNSG-80
    31752 Clevis foot     LSNSG-100
    31753 Clevis foot     LSNSG-125
    31754 Trunnion flange ZNG-32
    31755 Trunnion flange ZNG-40
    31756 Trunnion flange ZNG-50
    31757 Trunnion flange ZNG-63
    31758 Trunnion flange ZNG-80
    31759 Trunnion flange ZNG-100
    31760 Trunnion flange ZNG-125
    31761 Clevis foot     LBG-32
    31762 Clevis foot     LBG-40
    31763 Clevis foot     LBG-50
    31764 Clevis foot     LBG-63
    31765 Clevis foot     LBG-80
    31766 Clevis foot     LBG-100
    31767 Clevis foot     LBG-125
    31768 R angle clevis  LQG-32
    31769 R angle clevis  LQG-40
    31770 R angle clevis  LQG-50
    31771 R angle clevis  LQG-63
    31772 R angle clevis  LQG-80
    31773 R angle clevis  LQG-100
    31774 R angle clevis  LQG-125
    31785 Blanking plug   B-1/2-NPT
    31786 Blanking plug   B-3/4-NPT
    31787 Blanking plug   B-1-NPT
    31798 Cover plate     PRMEB-5
    31799 Cover plate     PRSB-ME-1/8
    32298 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-400-P
    32299 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-500-P
    32300 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-400-PPV
    32301 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-500-PPV
    32437 Round cylinder  DGS-25-25-PPV-A
    32438 Round cylinder  DGS-25-40-PPV-A
    32439 Round cylinder  DGS-25-50-PPV-A
    32440 Round cylinder  DGS-25-80-PPV-A
    32441 Round cylinder  DGS-25-100-PPV-A
    32442 Round cylinder  DGS-25-140-PPV-A
    32443 Round cylinder  DGS-25-200-PPV-A
    32444 Round cylinder  DGS-25-300-PPV-A
    32681 Twin cylinder   DPZ-10-10-P-A
    32682 Twin cylinder   DPZ-10-25-P-A
    32683 Twin cylinder   DPZ-10-40-P-A
    32684 Twin cylinder   DPZ-10-50-P-A
    32686 Twin cylinder   DPZ-16-10-P-A
    32687 Twin cylinder   DPZ-16-25-P-A
    32688 Twin cylinder   DPZ-16-40-P-A
    32689 Twin cylinder   DPZ-16-50-P-A
    32690 Twin cylinder   DPZ-16-80-P-A
    32691 Twin cylinder   DPZ-16-100-P-A
    32693 Twin cylinder   DPZ-20-10-P-A
    32694 Twin cylinder   DPZ-20-25-P-A
    32695 Twin cylinder   DPZ-20-40-P-A
    32696 Twin cylinder   DPZ-20-50-P-A
    32697 Twin cylinder   DPZ-20-80-P-A
    32698 Twin cylinder   DPZ-20-100-P-A
    32700 Twin cylinder   DPZ-25-10-P-A
    32701 Twin cylinder   DPZ-25-25-P-A
    32702 Twin cylinder   DPZ-25-40-P-A
    32703 Twin cylinder   DPZ-25-50-P-A
    32704 Twin cylinder   DPZ-25-80-P-A
    32705 Twin cylinder   DPZ-25-100-P-A
    32714 Slide unit      SPZ-10-10-P-A
    32715 Slide unit      SPZ-10-25-P-A
    32716 Slide unit      SPZ-10-40-P-A
    32717 Slide unit      SPZ-10-50-P-A
    32719 Slide unit      SPZ-16-10-P-A
    32720 Slide unit      SPZ-16-25-P-A
    32721 Slide unit      SPZ-16-40-P-A
    32722 Slide unit      SPZ-16-50-P-A
    32723 Slide unit      SPZ-16-80-P-A
    32724 Slide unit      SPZ-16-100-P-A
    32726 Slide unit      SPZ-20-10-P-A
    32727 Slide unit      SPZ-20-25-P-A
    32728 Slide unit      SPZ-20-40-P-A
    32729 Slide unit      SPZ-20-50-P-A
    32730 Slide unit      SPZ-20-80-P-A
    32731 Slide unit      SPZ-20-100-P-A
    32733 Slide unit      SPZ-25-10-P-A
    32734 Slide unit      SPZ-25-25-P-A
    32735 Slide unit      SPZ-25-40-P-A
    32736 Slide unit      SPZ-25-50-P-A
    32737 Slide unit      SPZ-25-80-P-A
    32738 Slide unit      SPZ-25-100-P-A
    32781 Lin.drive unit  SLM-12-    -KF-A
    32782 Lin.drive unit  SLM-16-    -KF-A
    32783 Lin.drive unit  SLM-20-    -KF-A
    32784 Lin.drive unit  SLM-25-    -KF-A
    32785 Lin.drive unit  SLM-32-    -KF-A
    32786 Lin.drive unit  SLM-40-    -KF-A
    32797 Sub-base        AU-ME-1/8
    32798 Push-on flange  FWSR-10
    32940 Flange mounting FNG-32
    32941 Flange mounting FNG-40
    32942 Flange mounting FNG-50
    32943 Flange mounting FNG-63
    32944 Flange mounting FNG-80
    32945 Flange mounting FNG-100
    32946 Flange mounting FNG-125
    32947 Foot mounting   HNG-32
    32948 Foot mounting   HNG-40
    32949 Foot mounting   HNG-50
    32950 Foot mounting   HNG-63
    32951 Foot mounting   HNG-80
    32952 Foot mounting   HNG-100
    32953 Foot mounting   HNG-125
    32954 Rod clevis      SGA-M10X1,25
    32959 Trunnion supprt LNZG-32
    32960 Trunnion supprt LNZG-40/50
    32961 Trunnion supprt LNZG-63/80
    32962 Trunnion supprt LNZG-100/125
    32963 Coupling piece  KSG-M10X1,25
    32964 Coupling piece  KSG-M12X1,25
    32965 Coupling piece  KSG-M16X1,5
    32966 Coupling piece  KSG-M20X1,5
    32967 Coupling piece  KSG-M27X2
    32968 Swivel flange   SNG-32
    32969 Swivel flange   SNG-40
    32970 Swivel flange   SNG-50
    32971 Swivel flange   SNG-63
    32972 Swivel flange   SNG-80
    32973 Swivel flange   SNG-100
    32974 Swivel flange   SNG-125
    33003 Togg.lever val. KH/O-3-PK-3
    33024 Standard cyl.   DNG-160-    -PPV-A
    33025 Standard cyl.   DNG-200-    -PPV-A
    33120 Semi-rot. drive DSR-1"-180-P
    33121 Foot mounting   HSR-1"-FW
    33122 Flange mounting FSR-1"
    33123 Semi-rot. drive DSRL-1"-180-P-FW
    33127 Semi-rot. drive DSR-1 1/4"-180-P
    33129 Flange mounting FSR-1 1/4"
    33130 Semi-rot. drive DSRL-1 1/4"-180-P-FW
    33134 Semi-rot. drive DSR-1 5/8"-180-P
    33135 Foot mounting   HSR-1 5/8"-FW
    33136 Flange mounting FSR-1 5/8"
    33137 Semi-rot. drive DSRL-1 5/8"-180-P-FW
    33141 Semi-rot. drive DSR-5/8"-180-P
    33143 Flange mounting FSR-5/8"
    33144 Semi-rot. drive DSRL-5/8"-180-P-FW
    33148 Semi-rot. drive DSR-1/2"-180-P
    33150 Flange mounting FSR-1/2"
    33151 Semi-rot. drive DSRL-1/2"-180-P-FW
    33155 Semi-rot. drive DSR-3/8"-180-P
    33156 Foot mounting   HSR-3/8"-FW
    33157 Semi-rot. drive DSRL-3/8"-180-P-FW
    33180 Solenoid valve  MVH-5-3/8-L-S-B
    33181 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-3/8-L-S-B
    33184 Solenoid valve  MVH-5-1/4-L-S-B
    33185 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/4-L-S-B
    33295 Plug socket     MSSD-V
    33296 Semi-rot. drive DSRL-10-180-P-FW
    33297 Semi-rot. drive DSR-10-180-P
    33298 Free wheel unit FLSR-10-L
    33299 Free wheel unit FLSR-10-R
    33317 Foot mounting   HSR-10-FW
    33339 Moment compens. FKG-20-B
    33340 Moment compens. FKG-32-B
    33345 Sub-base        AB-2,0-PK-4
    33361 Inb.label  KM-BZ
    33362 Inb.label  KMC/F/V-BZ-35X
    33384 Terminal plug   KSV-PK-2
    33405 Sub-base        AS-ME-1/8
    33406 Series sub-base AW-ME-1/8
    33407 End plate kit   EP-ME-1/8
    33408 Manifold block  PRS-ME-1/8-2
    33409 Manifold block  PRS-ME-1/8-4
    33410 Manifold block  PRS-ME-1/8-6
    33411 Manifold block  PRS-ME-1/8-8
    33412 Manifold block  PRS-ME-1/8-10
    33413 Mounting kit    WSR-10-J-M5
    33414 Mounting kit    WSR-10-K
    33445 Adding counter  PZA-A-M5
    33477 Manifold block  PRS-ME-1/8-3
    33478 Manifold block  PRS-ME-1/8-5
    33479 Manifold block  PRS-ME-1/8-7
    33480 Manifold block  PRS-ME-1/8-9
    33481 Guide unit      FEN-12/16-    -KF
    33482 Guide unit      FEN-20-    -KF
    33483 Guide unit      FEN-25-    -KF
    33660 Bolt            B8 2000 0023098
    33661 Bolt            B8 2000 0023099
    33662 Bolt            B8 2000 0023100
    33663 Bolt            B8 2000 0023101
    33664 Bolt            B8 2000 0023102
    33665 Bolt            B8 2000 0023103
    33666 Bolt            B8 2000 0023104
    33667 Bolt            B8 2000 0023705
    33668 Bolt            B8 2000 0023863
    33669 Bolt            B8 2000 0023864
    33670 Bolt            B8 2000 0023865
    33671 Bolt            B8 2000 0023866
    33672 Bolt            B8 2000 0023867
    33673 Retain. washer  N 912002 010002
    33674 Retain. washer  N 912002 012001
    33675 Retain. washer  B8 1088 0023106
    33714 Clevis foot     B8 0152 0023690
    33715 Clevis foot     B8 0152 0023691
    33716 Clevis foot     B8 0152 0023692
    33717 Clevis foot     B8 0152 0023693
    33718 Clevis foot     B8 0152 0023694
    33719 Clevis foot     B8 0152 0023695
    33720 Clevis foot     B8 0152 0023696
    33728 R angle clevis  B8 0152 0023697
    33729 R angle clevis  B8 0152 0023698
    33730 R angle clevis  B8 0152 0023699
    33731 R angle clevis  B8 0152 0023700
    33732 R angle clevis  B8 0152 0023701
    33733 R angle clevis  B8 0152 0023702
    33734 R angle clevis  B8 0152 0023703
    33840 Sealing ring    OL-1/8
    33842 Clevis foot     LBZB-32
    33843 Clevis foot     LBZS-32
    33844 Clevis foot     LBZS-40
    33845 Clevis foot     LBZS-50
    33846 Clevis foot     LBZS-63
    33890 Clevis foot     LNG-32
    33891 Clevis foot     LNG-40
    33892 Clevis foot     LNG-50
    33893 Clevis foot     LNG-63
    33894 Clevis foot     LNG-80
    33895 Clevis foot     LNG-100
    33896 Clevis foot     LNG-125
    33898 Clevis foot     LNG-200
    33969 Vac. secur.val. ISV-1/8
    33970 Vac. secur.val. ISV-1/4
    33971 Vac. secur.val. ISV-3/8
    33973 Standard cyl.   DSNU-16-25-PPV-A
    33974 Standard cyl.   DSNU-20-25-PPV-A
    33975 Standard cyl.   DSNU-25-25-PPV-A
    34248 Solenoid coil   MSFG-110-SA
    34291 Swivel flange   SSNG-32
    34292 Swivel flange   SSNG-40
    34293 Swivel flange   SSNG-50
    34294 Swivel flange   SSNG-63
    34295 Swivel flange   SSNG-80
    34296 Swivel flange   SSNG-100
    34298 Solenoid coil   MSFG-24-SA
    34299 Solenoid coil   MSFG-75-SA
    34347 Plug s. w cable KMY-1-24-0,5
    34400 Solenoid coil   MSG-12DC-OD
    34401 Solenoid coil   MSG-24DC-OD
    34402 Solenoid coil   MSW-24AC-OD
    34403 Solenoid coil   MSW-42AC-OD
    34404 Solenoid coil   MSW-48AC-OD
    34405 Solenoid coil   MSW-110AC-OD
    34406 Solenoid coil   MSW-110AC-60-OD
    34407 Solenoid coil   MSW-230AC-OD
    34408 Solenoid coil   MSW-230AC-60-OD
    34409 Solenoid coil   MSW-240AC-OD
    34410 Solenoid coil   MSFG-12-OD
    34411 Solenoid coil   MSFG-24/42-50/60-OD
    34412 Solenoid coil   MSFG-24/42-50/60-DS-OD
    34413 Solenoid coil   MSFG-42-OD
    34415 Solenoid coil   MSFW-24-50/60-OD
    34418 Solenoid coil   MSFW-48-50/60-OD
    34420 Solenoid coil   MSFW-110-50/60-OD
    34422 Solenoid coil   MSFW-230-50/60-OD
    34424 Solenoid coil   MSFW-240-50/60-OD
    34425 Solenoid coil   MSXG-24DC-OD
    34431 Plug socket     MSSD-F
    34432 Pneumatic valve VLX-2-1/4-MS
    34433 Pneumatic valve VLX-2-3/8-MS
    34434 Pneumatic valve VLX-2-1/2-MS
    34435 Pneumatic valve VLX-2-3/4-MS
    34436 Pneumatic valve VLX-2-1-MS
    34444 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-80-    -PPV-A
    34445 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-100-    -PPV-A
    34447 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-160-    -PPV-A
    34456 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-200-    -PPV-A
    34476 Foot mounting   HNG-160
    34477 Foot mounting   HNG-200
    34478 Flange mounting FNG-160
    34479 Flange mounting FNG-200
    34480 Flange mounting FSR-10
    34481 Guide unit      FENG-32-    -
    34482 Guide unit      FENG-40-    -
    34483 Guide unit      FENG-50-    -
    34484 Guide unit      FENG-63-    -
    34485 Guide unit      FENG-80-    -
    34486 Guide unit      FENG-100-    -
    34487 Guide unit      FENG-32-    -KF
    34488 Guide unit      FENG-40-    -KF
    34489 Guide unit      FENG-50-    -KF
    34490 Guide unit      FENG-63-    -KF
    34491 Guide unit      FENG-80-    -KF
    34492 Guide unit      FENG-100-    -KF
    34493 Guide unit      FENG-32-50-KF
    34494 Guide unit      FENG-32-100-KF
    34495 Guide unit      FENG-32-160-KF
    34496 Guide unit      FENG-32-200-KF
    34497 Guide unit      FENG-32-320-KF
    34498 Guide unit      FENG-32-500-KF
    34499 Guide unit      FENG-40-50-KF
    34500 Guide unit      FENG-40-100-KF
    34501 Guide unit      FENG-40-160-KF
    34502 Guide unit      FENG-40-200-KF
    34503 Guide unit      FENG-40-250-KF
    34504 Guide unit      FENG-40-320-KF
    34505 Guide unit      FENG-40-500-KF
    34506 Guide unit      FENG-50-50-KF
    34507 Guide unit      FENG-50-100-KF
    34508 Guide unit      FENG-50-160-KF
    34509 Guide unit      FENG-50-200-KF
    34510 Guide unit      FENG-50-250-KF
    34511 Guide unit      FENG-50-320-KF
    34512 Guide unit      FENG-50-500-KF
    34513 Guide unit      FENG-63-50-KF
    34514 Guide unit      FENG-63-100-KF
    34515 Guide unit      FENG-63-160-KF
    34516 Guide unit      FENG-63-200-KF
    34517 Guide unit      FENG-63-250-KF
    34518 Guide unit      FENG-63-320-KF
    34519 Guide unit      FENG-63-400-KF
    34520 Guide unit      FENG-63-500-KF
    34521 Guide unit      FENG-80-50-KF
    34522 Guide unit      FENG-80-100-KF
    34523 Guide unit      FENG-80-160-KF
    34524 Guide unit      FENG-80-200-KF
    34525 Guide unit      FENG-80-250-KF
    34526 Guide unit      FENG-80-320-KF
    34527 Guide unit      FENG-80-400-KF
    34528 Guide unit      FENG-80-500-KF
    34529 Guide unit      FENG-100-50-KF
    34530 Guide unit      FENG-100-100-KF
    34531 Guide unit      FENG-100-160-KF
    34532 Guide unit      FENG-100-200-KF
    34533 Guide unit      FENG-100-250-KF
    34534 Guide unit      FENG-100-320-KF
    34535 Guide unit      FENG-100-400-KF
    34536 Guide unit      FENG-100-500-KF
    34537 Flange mounting FSR-3/8"
    34540 Swivel flange   SNGB-32
    34541 Swivel flange   SNGB-40
    34542 Swivel flange   SNGB-50
    34543 Swivel flange   SNGB-63
    34544 Swivel flange   SNGB-80
    34545 Swivel flange   SNGB-100
    34546 Swivel flange   SNGB-125
    34547 Swivel flange   SNGB-160
    34562 Foot mounting   HBEV-15/40
    34563 Foot mounting   HBEV-15/63
    34564 Foot mounting   HBEV-20/75
    34565 Foot mounting   HBEV-20/120
    34566 Foot mounting   HBEV-20/180
    34568 Swivel flange   SSNG-125
    34571 Shock absorber  YSR-8-8-C
    34572 Shock absorber  YSR-12-12-C
    34573 Shock absorber  YSR-16-20-C
    34574 Shock absorber  YSR-20-25-C
    34575 Mounting flange YSRF-8-C
    34576 Mounting flange YSRF-12-C
    34577 Mounting flange YSRF-16-C
    34578 Mounting flange YSRF-20-C
    34579 Mounting flange YSRF-S-8-C
    34580 Mounting flange YSRF-S-12-C
    34581 Mounting flange YSRF-S-16-C
    34582 Mounting flange YSRF-S-20-C
    34583 Plug socket     MSSD-C
    34586 Suction cup c.  VAS-100-1/4-NBR
    34587 Suction cup c.  VAS-30-1/8-NBR
    34588 Suction cup c.  VAS-8-M5-NBR
    34629 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-    -PPV-A-S2
    34630 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-    -PPV-A-S2
    34632 Standard cyl.   DNG-160-    -PPV-A-S2
    34633 Standard cyl.   DNG-200-    -PPV-A-S2
    34634 Sealing ring    OL-M5
    34635 Sealing ring    OL-1/4
    34636 Sealing ring    OL-3/8
    34637 Sealing ring    OL-1/2
    34638 Sealing ring    OL-3/4
    34710 Standard cyl.   DSN-20-320-P
    34711 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-320-P
    34712 Standard cyl.   DSN-20-320-PPV
    34713 Standard cyl.   DSN-25-320-PPV
    34718 Standard cyl.   DSNU-20-320-P-A
    34719 Standard cyl.   DSNU-25-320-P-A
    34720 Standard cyl.   DSNU-20-320-PPV-A
    34721 Standard cyl.   DSNU-25-320-PPV-A
    34858 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-    -PPV-A-S6
    34859 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-    -PPV-A-S6
    34861 Standard cyl.   DNG-160-    -PPV-A-S6
    34862 Standard cyl.   DNG-200-    -PPV-A-S6
    34877 Non-ret. valve  HGL-1/8-NPT
    34878 Non-ret. valve  HGL-1/4-NPT
    34879 Non-ret. valve  HGL-3/8-NPT
    34880 Non-ret. valve  HGL-1/2-NPT
    34922 Pneumatic valve VLX-2-1/4-MS-NPT
    34923 Pneumatic valve VLX-2-3/8-MS-NPT
    34924 Pneumatic valve VLX-2-1/2-MS-NPT
    34925 Pneumatic valve VLX-2-3/4-MS-NPT
    34926 Pneumatic valve VLX-2-1-MS-NPT
    34934 Intermed. plate MUH-ZP-D-3-24G
    34935 Intermed. plate MUHX2-ZP-D-3-24G
    34942 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-80-    -PPV-A-S3
    34943 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-100-    -PPV-A-S3
    34945 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-160-    -PPV-A-S3
    34946 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-200-    -PPV-A-S3
    34951 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-80-    -PPV-A-S6
    34952 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-100-    -PPV-A-S6
    34954 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-160-    -PPV-A-S6
    34955 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-200-    -PPV-A-S6
    34974 Standard cyl.   DNG-40-    -PPV-A-S3
    34977 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-    -PPV-A-S3
    34978 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-    -PPV-A-S3
    34980 Standard cyl.   DNG-160-    -PPV-A-S3
    34981 Standard cyl.   DNG-200-    -PPV-A-S3
    34997 Plug s. w cable KMYZ-2-24-2,5-LED
    34998 Plug s. w cable KMYZ-2-24-5-LED
    35001 Control block   4 CASSETTEN TYP 7327
    35002 Control block   3 CASSETTEN TYP 7327
    35003 Control block   2 CASSETTEN TYP 7327
    35004 Control block   2CASS. 1 FR. TYP 7327
    35006 Solenoid valve  MC-2-1/8
    35026 Control block   VENTILINSEL M625 H58064&
    35028 Control block   INTEGRATIONSPLATTE
    35035 Solenoid valve  MEH-5/2-4,0-I   -SA
    35036 Solenoid valve  JMEH-5/2-4,0-I       -SA
    35042 Control block   INTEGRATIONSPLATTE
    35066 Control block   FA.DESMA/A.SIEMENS
    35068 Control block   FA.DESMA/A.SIEMENS
    35070 Solenoid valve  MEH-3/2-4,0-I        -SA
    35076 Solenoid valve  MEL-3-0,9-I
    35084 Cover plate     ELEKTRIK
    35092 Solenoid valve  MELH-3-0,9-I
    35187 Connecting plug BXG-1/8              -SA
    35188 Connecting plug BXO-1/8              -SA
    35191 Standard cyl.   DSNU-25-400-P-A
    35192 Standard cyl.   DSNU-25-500-P-A
    35193 Standard cyl.   DSNU-25-400-PPV-A
    35194 Standard cyl.   DSNU-25-500-PPV-A
    35196 Guide unit      FEN-8/10-    -
    35197 Guide unit      FEN-8/10-    -KF
    35200 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-16-90-PPVJ-A
    35201 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-16-180-PPVJ-A
    35202 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-16-270-PPVJ-A
    35203 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-16-360-PPVJ-A
    35204 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-20-90-PPVJ-A
    35205 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-20-180-PPVJ-A
    35206 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-20-270-PPVJ-A
    35207 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-20-360-PPVJ-A
    35208 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-25-90-PPVJ-A
    35209 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-25-180-PPVJ-A
    35210 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-25-270-PPVJ-A
    35211 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-25-360-PPVJ-A
    35212 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-32-90-PPVJ-A
    35213 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-32-180-PPVJ-A
    35214 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-32-270-PPVJ-A
    35215 Semi-rot. drive DRQ-32-360-PPVJ-A
    35232 Foot mounting   HQ-16-W
    35233 Foot mounting   HQ-20-W
    35234 Foot mounting   HQ-25-W
    35235 Foot mounting   HQ-32-W
    35236 Centr. mounting ZBRQ-16
    35237 Centr. mounting ZBRQ-20
    35238 Centr. mounting ZBRQ-25
    35239 Centr. mounting ZBRQ-32
    35310 Exh.contr.valve GRE-3/8
    35311 Exh.contr.valve GRE-3/8-NPT
    35324 Standard cyl.   DNGLZ-80-    -PPV-A
    35325 Standard cyl.   DNGLZ-100-    -PPV-A
    35336 Standard cyl.   DNGLZ-80-    -PPV-A-S6
    35337 Standard cyl.   DNGLZ-100-    -PPV-A-S6
    35342 Standard cyl.   DNGL-80-    -PPV-A-S2
    35343 Standard cyl.   DNGL-100-    -PPV-A-S2
    35348 Standard cyl.   DNGL-80-    -PPV-A-S6
    35349 Standard cyl.   DNGL-100-    -PPV-A-S6
    35410 Suction cup c.  VASB-8-M5-NBR
    35411 Suction cup c.  VASB-15-1/8-NBR
    35412 Suction cup c.  VASB-30-1/8-NBR
    35413 Suction cup c.  VASB-40-1/4-NBR
    35414 Suction cup c.  VASB-55-1/4-NBR
    35415 Suction cup c.  VASB-75-1/4-NBR
    35416 Suction cup c.  VASB-100-1/4-NBR
    35424 Inter.press.reg LR-ZP-B-D-1
    35425 Inter.press.reg LR-ZP-B-D-2
    35426 Inter.press.reg LR-ZP-B-D-3
    35427 Inter.press.reg LR-ZP-A/B-D-1
    35428 Inter.press.reg LR-ZP-A/B-D-2
    35429 Inter.press.reg LR-ZP-A/B-D-3
    35430 DIN mtg. rail   NRH-35-2000
    35457 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-    -PPV-A-S8
    35458 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-    -PPV-A-S8
    35497 Standard cyl.   DNG-160-    -PPV-A-S8
    35498 Standard cyl.   DNG-200-    -PPV-A-S8
    35523 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-80-    -PPV-A-S8
    35524 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-100-    -PPV-A-S8
    35526 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-160-    -PPV-A-S8
    35527 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-200-    -PPV-A-S8
    35528 Lo/con. air gun LSP-1/4-D
    35530 Vacuum gener.   VAD-MYB-I-1/8
    35531 Vacuum gener.   VAD-ME-I-1/8
    35532 Vacuum gener.   VAD-ME-I-1/4
    35533 Vacuum gener.   VAD-ME-I-3/8
    35547 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/2-S
    35548 Solenoid valve  JMFH-5-1/2-S
    35553 Vacuum gener.   VAD-MYB-1/8
    35554 Vacuum gener.   VAD-ME-1/8
    35555 Vacuum gener.   VAD-ME-1/4
    35556 Vacuum gener.   VAD-ME-3/8
    35558 Illumin. seal   MV-LD-12-24DC
    35573 Prox. sensor    SMTO-6-PS-S-LED-24
    35755 Bolt            39D 1007/11/ 32
    35756 Bolt            39D 1007/21/ 40
    35757 Bolt            39D 1007/22/ 50
    35758 Bolt            39D 1007/31/ 63
    35759 Bolt            39D 1007/32/ 80
    35760 Bolt            39D 1007/41/100
    35761 Bolt            39D 1007/51/125
    35762 Bolt            39D 1007/61/160/200
    35765 Trunnion flange 39D 1305/ 32
    35766 Trunnion flange 39D 1305/ 40
    35767 Trunnion flange 39D 1305/ 50
    35768 Trunnion flange 39D 1305/ 63
    35769 Trunnion flange 39D 1305/ 80
    35770 Trunnion flange 39D 1305/100
    35771 Trunnion flange 39D 1305/125
    35772 Trunnion flange 39D 1305/160
    35773 Trunnion flange 39D 1305/200
    35780 Trunnion supprt LNZG-160/200
    35805 Bolt            39D 1307/3/ 32
    35806 Bolt            39D 1307/3/ 40
    35807 Bolt            39D 1307/3/ 50
    35808 Bolt            39D 1307/3/ 63
    35809 Bolt            39D 1307/3/ 80
    35810 Bolt            39D 1307/3/100
    35811 Bolt            39D 1307/3/125
    35812 Bolt            39D 1307/3/160
    35813 Bolt            39D 1307/3/200
    35816 Rod clevis      SGV-39D 1008/M10X1,25
    35817 Rod clevis      SGV-39D 1008/M12X1,25
    35818 Rod clevis      SGV-39D 1008/M16X1,5
    35819 Rod clevis      SGV-39D 1008/M20X1,5
    35820 Rod clevis      SGV-39D 1008/M27X2
    35821 Rod clevis      SGV-39D 1008/M36X2
    35942 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-4
    35944 Plug socket     MSSD-C12-TS-24DC   OPEL
    35948 Plug socket     MSSD-C12TS-220 OPEL
    35949 Plug socket     MSSD-C14TG-220 OPEL
    35966 Inter.press.reg LR-ZP-P-D-1
    35967 Inter.press.reg LR-ZP-P-D-2
    35968 Inter.press.reg LR-ZP-P-D-3
    35969 Inter.press.reg LR-ZP-A-D-1
    35970 Inter.press.reg LR-ZP-A-D-2
    35971 Inter.press.reg LR-ZP-A-D-3
    35982 Brb. l-fitting  LCNH-M5-PK-2
    35983 Brb. l-fitting  LCNH-M5-PK-3
    35984 Brb. l-fitting  LCNH-M5-PK-4
    35985 Brb. l-fitting  LCNH-1/8-PK-3
    35986 Brb. l-fitting  LCNH-1/8-PK-4
    35987 Brb. l-fitting  LCNH-1/8-PK-6
    35988 Brb. l-fitting  LCNH-1/4-PK-4
    35989 Brb. l-fitting  LCNH-1/4-PK-6
    35990 Brb. l-fitting  LCNH-3/8-PK-6
    36121 Cover plate     IAP-04-D-3
    36122 Isolating disc  NSCE-1/2-3-ISO
    36123 Coupling piece  KSZ-M6
    36124 Coupling piece  KSZ-M8
    36125 Coupling piece  KSZ-M10X1,25
    36126 Coupling piece  KSZ-M12X1,25
    36127 Coupling piece  KSZ-M16X1,5
    36128 Coupling piece  KSZ-M20X1,5
    36129 Coupling piece  KSZ-3/8-24-UNF
    36130 Coupling piece  KSZ-1/2-20-UNF
    36131 Coupling piece  KSZ-5/8-18-UNF
    36132 Coupling piece  KSZ-3/4-16-UNF
    36142 Suction cup c.  VAS-15-1/8-NBR
    36143 Suction cup c.  VAS-40-1/4-NBR
    36144 Suction cup c.  VAS-55-1/4-NBR
    36145 Suction cup c.  VAS-75-1/4-NBR
    36160 Brb.hose fitt.  N-3/8-P-13
    36161 Brb.hose fitt.  N-3/8-P-13-MS
    36162 Mounting kit    SMB-2-B
    36163 Mounting kit    SMB-3-B
    36169 Sleeve          QM-M5-A/I
    36170 Sleeve          QM-1/8-A/I
    36171 Sleeve          QM-1/4-A/I
    36172 Sleeve          QM-3/8-A/I
    36173 Mounting kit    SMBU-1-B
    36174 Mounting kit    SMBU-2-B
    36198 Prox. sensor    SMEO-4U-K-LED-24
    36322 Standard cyl.   DNG-32-40-PPV-A
    36329 Standard cyl.   DNG-32-250-PPV-A
    36337 Standard cyl.   DNG-40-100-PPV-A
    36340 Standard cyl.   DNG-40-200-PPV-A
    36342 Standard cyl.   DNG-40-320-PPV-A
    36344 Standard cyl.   DNG-40-500-PPV-A
    36349 Standard cyl.   DNG-50-100-PPV-A
    36351 Standard cyl.   DNG-50-160-PPV-A
    36369 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-25-PPV-A
    36370 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-40-PPV-A
    36371 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-50-PPV-A
    36372 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-80-PPV-A
    36373 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-100-PPV-A
    36374 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-125-PPV-A
    36375 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-160-PPV-A
    36376 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-200-PPV-A
    36377 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-250-PPV-A
    36378 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-320-PPV-A
    36379 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-400-PPV-A
    36380 Standard cyl.   DNG-80-500-PPV-A
    36381 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-25-PPV-A
    36382 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-40-PPV-A
    36383 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-50-PPV-A
    36384 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-80-PPV-A
    36385 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-100-PPV-A
    36386 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-125-PPV-A
    36387 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-160-PPV-A
    36388 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-200-PPV-A
    36389 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-250-PPV-A
    36390 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-320-PPV-A
    36391 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-400-PPV-A
    36392 Standard cyl.   DNG-100-500-PPV-A
    36449 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-80-50-PPV-A
    36450 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-80-80-PPV-A
    36451 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-80-100-PPV-A
    36452 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-80-125-PPV-A
    36453 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-80-160-PPV-A
    36454 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-80-200-PPV-A
    36455 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-80-250-PPV-A
    36456 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-80-320-PPV-A
    36457 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-80-400-PPV-A
    36458 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-80-500-PPV-A
    36459 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-100-50-PPV-A
    36460 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-100-80-PPV-A
    36461 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-100-100-PPV-A
    36462 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-100-125-PPV-A
    36463 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-100-160-PPV-A
    36464 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-100-200-PPV-A
    36465 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-100-250-PPV-A
    36466 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-100-320-PPV-A
    36467 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-100-400-PPV-A
    36468 Standard cyl.   DNGZK-100-500-PPV-A
    36479 Fib/opt. cutter SOE-LKS
    36486 Bellow cylinder EB-145-60
    36487 Bellow cylinder EB-165-65
    36488 Bellow cylinder EB-215-80
    36489 Bellow cylinder EB-250-85
    36490 Bellow cylinder EB-145-100
    36491 Bellow cylinder EB-165-125
    36492 Bellow cylinder EB-215-155
    36493 Bellow cylinder EB-250-185
    38000 Linear drive    DGO- 40-    PPV A B  -SA
    38009 Round cylinder  EG - 20- 765         -SA
    38022 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/4-S-         -SA
    38039 Feed unit       ZY - 35  80-B        -SA
    38042 Sub-base kit    APB-1/8-MEH-4.0      -SA
    38089 Flat cylinder   DZH- 63-    PPV      -SA
    38125 Barbed L-conn.  L  -PK-3             -SA
    38126 Barbed L-conn.  L  -PK-4             -SA
    38127 Brb.t-connector T  -PK-3             -SA
    38128 Brb.t-connector T  -PK-4             -SA
    38129 Brbd Y-connect. Y  -PK-3             -SA
    38130 Brbd Y-connect. Y  -PK-4             -SA
    38147 Round cylinder  ESN- 25-    P-S9     -SA
    38175 Roller lever v. RW -5/3E-4,0-B       -SA
    38205 Compact cyl.    ADV-50-22-P-A        -SA
    38206 Compact cyl.    ADV-50-22-P-A        -SA
    38215 Round cylinder  E  - 20-  33         -SA
    38217 Stabiliser      EGF- 25-             -SA
    38238 Press.indicat.  OH -22 GN            -SA
    38242 Cyl/valve combi AVLM- 32-  25-AZS6   -SA
    38255 Pneumatic valve VL/03                -SA
    38256 Round cylinder  DSN- 16-  80PPV      -SA
    38288 Guide unit      FENG- 32-            -SA
    38294 Guide unit      FENG- 32-    -KF     -SA
    38295 Guide unit      FENG- 40-    -KF     -SA
    38327 Rod eye         SGSL-M8              -SA
    38328 Rod eye         SGSL-M 10X1,25       -SA
    38329 Rod eye         SGSL-M12 X 1,25      -SA
    38330 Rod eye         SGSL-M16 X 1,5       -SA
    38331 Rod eye         SGSL-M20 X 1,5       -SA
    38332 Rod eye         SGSL-M27 X 2         -SA
    38341 PE converter    PEN-M5-NAMUR         -SA
    38362 Sh/stroke cyl.  EL- 12-  10          -SA
    38389 Flat cylinder   DZH- 50-    PPVAS2   -SA
    38394 Sub-base        DSW- 63-  50-P-B     -SA
    38401 Cyl/valve combi ESM- 10-   4-P       -SA
    38430 Round cylinder  ESN- 16-  25P        -SA
    38447 Compact cyl.    ADV-32-7-P-A         -SA
    38448 Compact cyl.    ADV-32-22-P-A        -SA
    38456 Inter.press.reg LR -ZP-P-D-1         -SA
    38458 Inter.press.reg LR -ZP-P-D-3         -SA
    38472 F/control valve GR - 2- 2            -SA
    38474 Rotary distrib. GF -1/4-S6           -SA
    38485 Cyl/valve combi ESM- 25-  30P        -SA
    38506 Round cylinder  DSNU- 12-    PA      -SA
    38541 Flat cylinder   DZH- 40-    PPV      -SA
    38550 Cylinder        D  - 35-  60PP       -SA
    38551 Cylinder        D  - 35-  90PP       -SA
    38558 F/control valve GR - 2- 2            -SA
    38560 Round cylinder  ESN- 16-  45P        -SA
    38579 Cyl/valve combi ESM- 32-  15         -SA
    38602 Flat cylinder   EZH-5/20-  25        -SA
    38606 Flange mounting FZS- 40              -SA
    38620 Cartridge cyl   EGZ-  6-   5         -SA
    38638 Sh/stroke cyl.  DL- 32-  35-A        -SA
    38648 On/off valve    MDHE-3-1/2           -SA
    38654 Sh/stroke cyl.  ADV- 32-   5-C       -SA
    38657 Round cylinder  ESN- 25-  80P        -SA
    38668 Solenoid valve  MFH-3-1/4            -SA
    38671 Round cylinder  EG - 25-             -SA
    38674 Semi-rot. drive DSR- 25- 180P        -SA
    38676 On/off valve    MDHE-3-1             -SA
    38677 Solenoid valve  MFH-5-1/4            -SA
    43239 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/2-D-1-FR-C
    43240 Pneumatic valve JH-5/2-D-1-C
    43241 Pneumatic valve JDH-5/2-D-1-C
    43242 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3G-D-1-C
    43243 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3E-D-1-C
    43244 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3B-D-1-C
    43257 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/2-D-2-FR-C
    43258 Pneumatic valve JH-5/2-D-2-C
    43259 Pneumatic valve JDH-5/2-D-2-C
    43260 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3G-D-2-C
    43261 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3E-D-2-C
    43262 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3B-D-2-C
    43269 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/2-D-3-FR-C
    43270 Pneumatic valve JH-5/2-D-3-C
    43271 Pneumatic valve JDH-5/2-D-3-C
    43272 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3G-D-3-C
    43273 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3E-D-3-C
    43274 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3B-D-3-C
    43281 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/2-D-1-FR-C
    43282 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/2-D-1-FR-C
    43283 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-1-C
    43284 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-1-C
    43285 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3G-D-1-C
    43286 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3G-D-1-C
    43287 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3E-D-1-C
    43288 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3E-D-1-C
    43289 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/2-D-3-FR C
    43290 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/2-D-3-FR-C
    43291 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-3-C
    43292 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-3-C
    43293 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3G-D-3-C
    43294 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3G-D-3-C
    43295 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3E-D-3-C
    43296 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3E-D-3-C
    43301 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/2-D-1-C
    43302 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/2-D-1-C
    43303 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/2-D-1-C
    43304 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-1-C
    43305 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-1-C
    43306 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-1-C
    43311 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/2-D-2-C
    43312 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/2-D-2-C
    43313 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/2-D-2-C
    43314 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-2-C
    43315 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-2-C
    43316 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-2-C
    43318 Pneumatic valve J-5/2-D-3-C
    43320 Pneumatic valve VL-5/3E-D-3-C
    43321 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/2-D-3-C
    43322 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/2-D-3-C
    43323 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/2-D-3-C
    43324 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-3-C
    43325 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-3-C
    43326 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-3-C
    43327 Pneumatic valve JD-5/2-D-1-C
    43328 Pneumatic valve VL-5/3G-D-1-C
    43329 Pneumatic valve VL-5/3E-D-1-C
    43330 Pneumatic valve VL-5/3B-D-1-C
    43331 Solenoid valve  LMD-5/2-D-1-C
    43332 Solenoid valve  LMD-5/3G-D-1-C
    43333 Solenoid valve  LMD-5/3E-D-1-C
    43334 Solenoid valve  LMD-5/3B-D-1-C
    43335 Pneumatic valve JD-5/2-D-3-C
    43336 Pneumatic valve VL-5/3G-D-3-C
    43337 Pneumatic valve VL-5/3E-D-3-C
    43338 Pneumatic valve VL-5/3B-D-3-C
    43339 Solenoid valve  LMD-5/2-D-3-C
    43340 Solenoid valve  LMD-5/3G-D-3-C
    43341 Solenoid valve  LMD-5/3E-D-3-C
    43342 Solenoid valve  LMD-5/3B-D-3-C
    43343 Solenoid valve  MD-5/2-D-1-C
    43344 Solenoid valve  MD-5/2-D-1-C
    43345 Solenoid valve  JMDD-5/2-D-1-C
    43346 Solenoid valve  JMDD-5/2-D-1-C
    43347 Solenoid valve  MD-5/3G-D-1-C
    43348 Solenoid valve  MD-5/3G-D-1-C
    43349 Solenoid valve  MD-5/3E-D-1-C
    43350 Solenoid valve  MD-5/3E-D-1-C
    43351 Solenoid valve  MD-5/3B-D-1-C
    43352 Solenoid valve  MD-5/3B-D-1-C
    43353 Solenoid valve  MD-5/2-D-3-C
    43354 Solenoid valve  MD-5/2-D-3-C
    43355 Solenoid valve  JMDD-5/2-D-3-C
    43356 Solenoid valve  JMDD-5/2-D-3-C
    43357 Solenoid valve  MD-5/3G-D-3-C
    43358 Solenoid valve  MD-5/3G-D-3-C
    43359 Solenoid valve  MD-5/3E-D-3-C
    43360 Solenoid valve  MD-5/3E-D-3-C
    43361 Solenoid valve  MD-5/3B-D-3-C
    43362 Solenoid valve  MD-5/3B-D-3-C
    43393 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/2-D-1-FR-C
    43394 Pneumatic valve JH-5/2-D-1-C
    43395 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3G-D-1-C
    43396 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3E-D-1-C
    43397 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3B-D-1-C
    43413 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/2-D-2-FR-C
    43414 Pneumatic valve JH-5/2-D-2-C
    43415 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3G-D-2-C
    43416 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3E-D-2-C
    43417 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3B-D-2-C
    43433 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/2-D-3-FR-C
    43434 Pneumatic valve JH-5/2-D-3-C
    43435 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3G-D-3-C
    43436 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3E-D-3-C
    43437 Pneumatic valve VLH-5/3B-D-3-C
    43453 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/2-D-1-FR-S-C
    43454 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-1-S-C
    43455 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3B-D-1-S-C
    43456 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3E-D-1-S-C
    43457 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3G-D-1-S-C
    43458 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/2-D-3-FR-S-C
    43459 Solenoid valve  JMDH-5/2-D-3-S-C
    43460 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3B-D-3-S-C
    43461 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3E-D-3-S-C
    43462 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3G-D-3-S-C
    43463 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3G-D-1-C
    43464 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3G-D-1-C
    43465 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3G-D-1-C
    43466 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3E-D-1-C
    43467 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3E-D-1-C
    43468 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3E-D-1-C
    43469 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3G-D-2-C
    43470 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3G-D-2-C
    43471 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3G-D-2-C
    43472 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3E-D-2-C
    43473 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3E-D-2-C
    43474 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3E-D-2-C
    43475 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3G-D-3-C
    43476 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3G-D-3-C
    43477 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3G-D-3-C
    43478 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3E-D-3-C
    43479 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3E-D-3-C
    43480 Solenoid valve  MDH-5/3E-D-3-C
    80423 Progr.software  P:SW-FST202CFUP-DE
    94356 Analogue tech.  D:LH-BP55-AT   -E
    94359 Software        D:SW-LCD501-3  -F
    97003 Project-WWE     2L MANUAL SYSTEM LV
    97004 Project-WWE     2L MANUAL SYSTEM HV
    97005 Project-WWE     ANALOG SYRINGE CONTR.
    97006 Project-WWE     SYRINGE CONTROLLER
    97007 Project-WWE     CONTROLLER SAC-HP-USA-2L
    97008 Project-WWE     2L-SAC
    97009 Project-WWE     2L-SAC WITH LOW LEVEL
    97010 Project-WWE     2L SAC-LP
    97017 Project-WWE     TANK 2L-SAC-HP-LL
    97020 Project-WWE     TANK 2L-SAC-LP-LL
    97102 Project-WWE     SEMI-AUTOMATIC CONTR.
    97103 Project-WWE     AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER
    97105 Project-WWE     WITHOUT LEVEL SENSO-0,5L
    97106 Project-WWE     0,5L RESERVOIR WITH LL
    97108 Project-WWE     2L RESERVOIR WITH LL
    97118 Advancing slide ADCANCING SLIDE, 50MM
    97119 Advancing slide ADVANCING SLIDE, 100MM
    97120 Project-WWE     FILTER REGULATOR
    97122 Project-WWE     SEMI.AUTOMATIC IRS
    97123 Project-WWE     SINGLE CHAN.AUTOM.CONTR.
    97124 Project-WWE     BAG DISPENSER
    97125 Project-WWE     0,5L RESERVOIR WITH DLL
    97201 Project-WWE     BOX
    97202 Project-WWE     BLOCK
    97203 Project-WWE     FOOT SWITCH SPLITTER
    97204 Project-WWE     SOLENOID VALVE MODUL
    97213 Project-WWE     TANK CORD 2M
    97216 Project-WWE     KIT
    97250 Project-WWE     0,5L SPARE PART KIT
    97251 Project-WWE     RUPTUR DISC
    97253 Project-WWE     2L RES. SPARE PART KIT
    97262 Project-WWE     KIT
    97267 Project-WWE     COAX ADAPTER KIT 9.5MM
    97278 Project-WWE     PIERCING ELEMENT 1MM
    97279 Project-WWE     PIERCING ELEMENT 5MM
    97310 Project-WWE     GEL PRESS
    98070 DEMO  CASE      DC_VTOC
    100430 Sender nozzle   SFL-100-S
    100431 Receiver nozzle SFL-100-F
    101524 Sub-base        FLP-PK-4
    102104 Sub-base        FLP-7-PK-3
    104080 Solenoid coil   BMSFW-120/60-CSA
    105200 Solenoid coil   MFDG-2/2-24V DC-OD   -SA
    105201 Solenoid coil   MFDG-3/2-24V DC-OD   -SA
    105202 Filter          LR/MD X 4-S          -SA
    106000 Index conv. kit STB-24-270
    110417 Solenoid valve  JMVH-5-1/4 B-VI
    110512 Solenoid valve  JMVH-5-1/8 B-VI
    112746 Guide unit kit  BFEN- 12/16
    112747 Guide unit kit  BFEN- 20
    112748 Guide unit kit  BFEN- 25
    114032 Shock absrb.kit SLZ-25-KF-A
    114033 Shock absrb.kit SLZ-32-KF-A
    114034 Shock absrb.kit SLZ-50-KF-A
    114549 Guide unit kit  BFENG- 32
    114550 Guide unit kit  BFENG- 40
    114551 Guide unit kit  BFENG- 50
    114552 Guide unit kit  BFENG- 63
    114553 Guide unit kit  BFENG- 80
    114554 Guide unit kit  BFENG-100
    114555 Guide unit kit  BFENG- 32-KF
    114556 Guide unit kit  BFENG- 40-KF
    114557 Guide unit kit  BFENG- 50-KF
    114558 Guide unit kit  BFENG- 63-KF
    114559 Guide unit kit  BFENG- 80-KF
    114580 Guide unit kit  BFENG-100-KF
    114581 Guide unit kit  BFEN- 12/16-KF
    114582 Guide unit kit  BFEN- 20-KF
    114583 Guide unit kit  BFEN- 25-KF
    114899 Solenoid valve  MVH-5-1/4 B-VI
    114960 Multi-pin node  VIMP1-02- 4
    114961 Multi-pin node  VIMP1-02- 6
    114962 Multi-pin node  VIMP1-02- 8
    114963 Multi-pin node  VIMP1-02-10
    114964 Multi-pin node  IIMP1-02- 4
    114965 Multi-pin node  IIMP1-02- 6
    114966 Multi-pin node  IIMP1-02- 8
    114967 Multi-pin node  IIMP1-02-10
    114989 Solenoid v.-SET MVH-5-1/8 B-VI
    114990 Solenoid v.-SET JMVH-5-1/8 B-VI
    114992 Solenoid v.-SET MVH-5-1/4 B-VI
    114993 Solenoid v.-SET JMVH-5-1/4 B-VI
    115000 E.interface-SET VIMA-02-1/8- 4
    115001 E.interface-SET VIMA-02-1/8- 6
    115002 E.interface-SET VIMA-02-1/8- 8
    115003 E.interface-SET VIMA-02-1/8-10
    115004 E.interface-SET VIMA-02-1/4- 4
    115005 E.interface-SET VIMA-02-1/4- 6
    115006 E.interface-SET VIMA-02-1/4- 8
    115007 E.interface-SET VIMA-02-1/4-10
    115315 Shock absrb.kit SLZ-16-YSR-C
    115316 Shock absrb.kit SLZ-25-YSR-C
    115317 Shock absrb.kit SLZ-32-YSR-C
    115515 Solenoid valve  MVH-5/3G-1/8 B-VI
    115516 Solenoid valve  MVH-5/3B-1/8 B-VI
    115517 Solenoid valve  MVH-5/3E-1/8 B-VI
    115523 Solenoid v.-SET MVH-5/3G-1/8 B-VI
    115524 Solenoid v.-SET MVH-5/3B-1/8 B-VI
    115525 Solenoid v.-SET MVH-5/3E-1/8 B-VI
    115526 Solenoid valve  MVH-5/3G-1/4 B-VI
    115527 Solenoid valve  MVH-5/3B-1/4 B-VI

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