上架日期:2018-12-16 14:48:19



    AA, BB, JJ and LL Sanitary Bibl Thermometers

    AA, BB, JJ and LL Sanitary Bibl Thermometers:卫生双金属温度计

    3-A Certified Design
    All 316/316L SS Wetted Parts
    All Welded Construction
    Easy to Calibrate Reset Screw
    Hermetically Sealed
    32 Ra Max on All Wetted Surfaces
    Standard Connection: 1?" Tri-Grip? (Tri-Clamp? Compatible)
    6 mm (?") Standard Stem Diameter
    Glass Lens Standard
    Standard Lengths From 2? to 15"

    The OMEGA? sanitary bibl thermometer is specially designed for direct insertion into sanitary process applications when a standard thermowell is not specified or the process environment is not exposed to pressure. The sanitary thermometer is ideal for the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries.

    Fahrenheit Celsius Dual
    Range Div. Range Div. Range Div.
    -40 to 160°F -40 to 70°C -40 to 160°F
    -40 to 70°C

    25 to 125°F** 0 to 50°C**
    0 to 200°F 0 to 100°C 25 to 125°F**
    -5 to 50°C

    0 to 250°F -20 to 120°C
    50 to 300°F 0 to 150°C 0 to 200°F
    -10 to 90°C

    50 to 500°F 0 to 250°C
    150 to 750°F 10° 50 to 400°C 0 to 250°F
    -20 to 120°C

    ** 4" minimum stem length.
      50 to 300°F
    10 to 150°C

    50 to 500°F
    10 to 260°C

    150 to 750°F
    70 to 400°C

    产品型号 产品描述

    Adjustable 3" Sanitary Dial Thermometer

    LL--40-160F-21/2 2? inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, -40 TO 160°F

    LL-50-500F-21/2 2? inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, 50 TO 500°F

    LL--40-160F-4 4 inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, -40 TO 160°F

    LL-0-200F-4 4 inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, 0 TO 200°F

    LL-0-200F-6 6 inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, 0 TO 200°F

    LL-50-500F-6 6 inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, 50 TO 500°F

    Adjustable 5" Sanitary Dial Thermometer

    JJ--40-160F-21/2 2? inch Stem Length, 5" Dial, -40 TO 160°F

    JJ-50-500F-21/2 2? inch Stem Length, 5" Dial, 50 TO 500°F

    JJ--40-160F-4 4 inch Stem Length, 5" Dial, -40 TO 160°F

    JJ-0-200F-4 4 inch Stem Length, 5" Dial, 0 TO 200°F

    JJ-0-200F-6 6 inch Stem Length, 5" Dial, 0 TO 200°F

    JJ-50-500F-6 6 inch Stem Length, 5" Dial, 50 TO 500°F

    Adjustable Sanitary Dial Thermometer - Dual Range

    LL-0-250F--20-120C-21/2 2? inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, 0 TO 250°F and -20 TO 120°C

    JJ-0-250F--20-120C-21/2 2? inch Stem Length, 5" Dial, 0 TO 250°F and -20 TO 120°C

    LL-50-500F-10-260C-4 4 inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, 50 TO 500°F and 10 TO 260°C

    JJ-50-500F-10-260C-4 4 inch Stem Length, 5" Dial, 50 TO 500°F and 10 TO 260°C

    Back Connected 3" Sanitary Dial Thermometer

    AA--40-160F-21/2 2? inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, -40 TO 160°F

    AA-50-500F-21/2 2? inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, 50 TO 500°F

    AA--40-160F-4 4 inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, -40 TO 160°F

    AA-0-200F-4 4 inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, 0 TO 200°F

    AA-0-200F-6 6 inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, 0 TO 200°F

    AA-50-500F-6 6 inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, 50 TO 500°F

    Back Connected Sanitary Dial Thermometer - Dual Range

    AA-0-250F--20-120C-21/2 2? inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, 0 TO 250°F and -20 TO 120°C

    AA-50-500F-10-260C-4 4 inch Stem Length, 3" Dial, 50 TO 500°F and 10 TO 260°C

    注释: OPTIONS:
    add "-SF" to the end of the model number for the silicone filled option, add $50 to price,
    add "-PY" to the end of the model number for a polycarbonate b and add $7 to the price,
    add "-R20" to the end of the model number for Ra20 max wetted finish and add $40 to price and $3/inch,
    add "-NIST" to end of the model number for a 3 point NIST calibration certificate and add $100 to price.
    订购示例: (1) JJ--40-160F-21/2 2? inch Stem Length, 5" Dial, -40 TO 160°F ,

    (1) (2) (3)

    (1) Series
    AA 代表 AA Series
    BB 代表 BB Series
    LL 代表 LL Series
    JJ 代表 JJ Series
    (2) Temperature Range
    -40-160F 代表 -40 to 160°F
    25-125F 代表 25 to 125°F
    0-200F 代表 0 to 200°F
    0-250F 代表 0 to 250°F
    50-300F 代表 50 to 300°F
    50-500F 代表 50 to 500°F
    150-750F 代表 150 to 750°F
    -40-70C 代表 -40 to 70°C
    0-50C 代表 0 to 50°C
    0-100C 代表 0 to 100°C
    -20-120C 代表 -20 to 120°C
    0-150C 代表 0 to 150°C
    0-250C 代表 0 to 250°C
    50-400C 代表 50 to 400°C
    -40-160F/-40-70C 代表 -40 to 160°F (-40 to 70°C)
    25-125F/-5-50C 代表 25 to 125°F (-5 to 50°C)
    0-200F/-10-90C 代表 0 to 200°F (-10 to 90°C)
    0-250F/-20-120C 代表 0 to 250°F (-20 to 120°C)
    50-300F/10-150C 代表 50 to 300°F (10 to 150°C)
    50-500F/10-260C 代表 50 to 500°F (10 to 260°C)
    150-750F/70-400C 代表 150 to 750°F (70 to 400°C)
    (3) Stem Length
    21/2 代表 2 1/2 in
    4 代表 4 in
    6 代表 6 in
    9 代表 9 in
    12 代表 12 in
    15 代表 15 in 


    供应LL-0-200F-6手持温度计 相关产品

    供应LL-0-200F-6手持温度计 技术文章

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