Accepting Feedback: RWS 2.0 Revision Launch
The Responsible Wool Standard is pleased to announce that we are beginning the feedback process for the upcoming revision of RWS 2.0.
In order to prepare for the process, we are asking all stakeholders interested in giving feedback to fill out the below b (or click the button) and b to us at your earliest convenience.
If you would like to participate in or stay inbed of the revision process, please email to join the mailing list.
接受反馈:RWS 2.0版本发布
负责任的羊毛标准很高兴地宣布,我们正在开始为即将到来的RWS 2.0修订的反馈过程。
These Certification Bodies are licensed by Textile Exchange to certify to the given scopes of the RWS.
Company Name: AUS-MEAT Limited
Countries of operation: Australia and New Zealand
Company Name: Control Union
RWS Scope: Farm Scope, Supply Chain
Countries of operation: Global
Company Name: NSF
RWS Scope: Farm Scope, Supply Chain
Countries of operation: Global
Company Name: Letis
RWS Scope: Farm Scope, Supply Chain
Countries of operation: Argentina, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Malaysia and Hong Kong
Company Name: ICEA
RWS Scope: Supply Chain
Company Name: AsureQuality
RWS Scope: Farm Scope
Company Name: LSQA
RWS Scope: Farm Scope
Countries of operation: Uruguay
Company Name: SCS Global Services
RWS Scope: Farm Scope
Company Name: Organización Internacional Agropecuaria S.A. (OIA)
RWS Scope: Farm Scope, Supply Chain Scope
Countries of operation: Global
Key Points in the RWS
Protecting Animal Welfare
The Five Freedoms of sheep are protected at alltmes:freedom from hunger and thirst,
freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain,injury or disease, freedom to express
normal ehavior, and freedom from fear and distress.
Preserving Land Health
Progressive bs of land management arepracced on RWS farms, protecing soil
health,biodiversity and nave species.
Supply Chain Traceability
The idenfy of the RWS wool is maintained at alltmes:from the farm to the final
product.Consumers can have full confidence that the wool in a product carrying the RWS
logo comes from responsibly managed farms.