mechanical piping system: 1. All the inner pipelines are made of seamless stainless steel, with unib heating and little pipe loss; 2 、 equipped with pressure release loop, water shortage alarm, protection pump and heating pipe. 3, heating and cooling speed fast, stable and fast, empty machine heating up to 150 degrees, about 5 minutes. 4, the "Maipute" circulation system of water pump with high pressure and large flow of 180 DEG C hot water pump, thermal effect is good, Mold temperature rise, small temperature difference, energy-saving more than 20%. 5, the use of flange type Swedish silk double power stainless steel electric heating tube, suitable for different temperature control occasions, Imported hot wire, long service life, not easy to burn; 6, pressure indicator; 我公司本着诚信为基础的原则,实行售后24小时内到达机器售出点,以诚意打动客户,尽全力保证客户当天生产,详询我公司网站 或电:173-726O-59O6