MHYAV型号煤矿用阻燃通信电缆-MA标志认证产品 fire-retardant communication cables for coal minessignal electric cable
产品用途:产品适用于煤矿井下监测、控制系统作低频信号传输线。 scope of application:the product is suitable for the coal mine mine shaft monitor, the control system makes the low-frequency signal transmission line 执行标准 standards implemented: q/3210hl07-2005 型号名称及使用范围 model desc-riptionsuse scope
使用特性 service characteristics
电缆结构示意图iiiustration of cable structure
电缆规格 specifications
电缆主要技术性能 major technical perbances 1、电缆导体直流电阻和电缆固有衰减 dc resistance of the conductorintrinsic attenuation
2、电缆其它主要技术性能 other major technical perbances 型号 model:mhyv、mhyvr、mhyvrp、mhyvp、mhybv、mhy32