在冶金、石化、空调、制冷、供水、建材、印刷及纺织等诸多领域都得到了客户普遍认可及好评。 公司里程碑 2005 通过OHSAS 18001职业健康与安全管理体系认证。
2004 ACS550, ACS 800本地化生产组装。
2000 公司迁址至恒通广厦 开始面向亚洲的出口业务 通过ISO9001质量保证体系标准认证。 1998 ACS400 本地生产。 abb变频器
ACS600本地组装。 1997 获得北京外企高新技术企业称号。
1996 通过ISO14001环境管理体系标准认证。
1995 ACS500, ACV700 & DC 传动产品本地化组装生产。
ABB集团位列全球500强企业,集团总部位于瑞士苏黎世。ABB由两个历史100多年的国际性企业瑞典的阿西亚公司(ASEA)和瑞士的布朗勃法瑞公司(BBC Brown Boveri) 在1988年合并而成。两公司分别成立于1883年和1891年。
3ABD58988821 2*2米单线塑料光纤电缆 (2x2m single plastic fibre optic) NLWC-02
3ABD58948233 2*3米单线塑料光纤电缆 (2x3m single plastic fibre optic) NLWC-03
3ABD58948250 2*5米单线塑料光纤电缆 (2x5m single plastic fibre optic) NLWC-05
3ABD58948268 2*7米单线塑料光纤电缆 (2x7m single plastic fibre optic) NLWC-07
3ABD58948276 2*10米单线塑料光纤电缆 (2x10m single plastic fibre optic) NLWC-10
3ABD00010846 2*15米单线塑料光纤电缆 (2x15m single plastic fibre optic) NLWC-15
3ABD64378660 控制盘 (Control Panel) CDP-312R
3ABD64693034 屏蔽控制电缆 (Screened control panel cable) 2米 RPLC-02C
3ABD64644521 屏蔽控制电缆 (Screened control panel cable) 3米 RPLC-03C
3ABD00017588 控制盘安装组件(含3米电缆,不含CDP-312R控制盘) RPMP-11 +J410
Panel Mounting Platb
3ABD00017589 控制盘挂件(不含3米电缆,不含CDP-312R控制盘) RPMP-21 +J413
Control Panel Holder
3ABD64545850 手提演示设备 Demo Suit Case (incl. ACS800 Unit) 芬兰产
3ABD00012511 400mm宽空柜体 (Width 400mm) CC400-IP21
3ABD00012512 600mm宽空柜体 (Width 600mm) CC600-IP21
3ABD00012513 800mm宽空柜体 (Width 800mm) CC800-IP21
ABB变频器 编程和维护工具
PumpSave Energy-save Tool > Drives > Drive PC tools >
FanSave Energy-save Tool > Drives > Drive PC tools >
DriveSize 选型软件 > Drives > Drive PC tools >
3ABD64547968 DriveWindow 2.x (WinNT4/Win2000/XP) Software Only
3ABD61475133 DriveWindow 1.x to DriveWindow 2.x Conversion Tool (WinNT4/Win2000/XP), Software Only
3ABD64691619 DriveWindow Light 2.x (WinNT4/2000/XP) Software for ACS800 Standard Application+NPCU-01+OPCA-02
3ABD64358049 DriveOPC 2.x (WinNT4/Win2000/XP) Software Only
3ABD64554468 DriveAP 1.x (WinNT4/Win2000/XP) Software Only
3ABD68299195 DriveAP 2 (WinNT4/Win2000/XP) Software Only
3ABD0000041138 DriveAnalyzer 1.x (Win2000/XP/Vista), add-on SW for DriveWindow, Software Only
3ABD0000041141 DriveBrowser 1.x (Win2000/XP/Vista), Software Only(PC Tools for Remote Monitoring)
便携机 ... for Laptop PC with PCMCIA Socket
3ABD64547992 DriveWindow 2.x (WinNT4/Win2000/XP), incl. PCMCIA Connection Kit for Laptop PC
3ABD0000040000 DriveWindow 2.x (WinNT4/Win2000/XP/Vista), incl. USB Connection Kit for Laptop PC
3ABD64433202 DriveOPC 2.x (WinNT4/Win2000/XP), incl. USB Connection Kit for Laptop PC
3ABD64554476 DriveAP 1.x (WinNT4/Win2000/XP), incl. PCMCIA Connection Kit for Laptop PC
3ABD68299209 DriveAP 2 (WinNT4/Win2000/XP), incl. PCMCIA Connection Kit for Laptop PC
台式机 ... for Desktop PC with PCI Bus, require also PCI/PCMCIA Adapter
3ABD64510304 PCI/PCMCIA Adapter for Desktop PC