BWY-802,803,802A,803A 溫控器採用復合傳感器技術,即儀表溫包推動彈性元件同時能同步輸出Pt100熱電阻信號,此信號可遠傳感到遠距控制室,通過XMT數顯溫控儀同步顯示並控制變壓器油溫,也可通過數顯儀表,將Pt100熱電阻信號轉換成與計算機互聯網的直流標準信號(0~5)V,(4~20mA)和RS485通訊接口輸出。
1.BWY-802,803 系列溫控器主要技術指標
■ 工作環境溫度:-30~55℃
■ 溫度測量範圍:a、0~100℃
■ 指示精確度:1.5級
■ 控 制 性 能: a. 設定範圍: 全量程可調
b. 指示誤差: ± 3℃
c. 開 關 差: 4 ~ 8℃
d. 額定功率: AC250V/5A
e.開關設定值: BWY-802:K1=55℃ K2=80℃
BWY-803:K1=55℃ K2=65℃ K3=80℃
■ 防護等級:IP55
2. BWY-802,803型溫控器主要技術指標:
■ 與BWY-802,803溫控器的主要技術指標相同。
■ 輸出Pt100鉑電阻信號或4-20mA 電流信號
The BWY-802,803,802A,803A Temperature Controllers adopt the composite sensing technology which can output the signal of Pt100 thermal resistance simultaneously while the temperature bulb pushes the elastics element. The signal can be transmitted to a remote distance control room . By th series of XMT digital display indicators , the temperature of transber will be displayed and adjusted at the same time.The signal can also be transmitted to computer typical signal (0~5) or (4~20) mA and communication port Rs 485 by a digitalcontroller.
1.BWR-802,803 Main Technology Parameters:
■ Normal working Temperature: -30~ 55℃
■ Rage of Measurement: a、0~100℃
c、 0~150℃
■ Indicative Accuracy : 1.5 grade
■ Controlling Capacity:
a .Setting Rage : four -way switch,adjustable within the work span
b .Setting Accuracy: ± 3℃
c .Switch Difference: 4 ~ 8℃
d. Rated Power: AC250V/5A
e.Switch Standard Set Point: BWY-802: K1=55℃ K2=80℃
BWY-803: K1=55℃ K2=65℃ K3=80℃
■ Switch Standard Set Point:IP55
2.BWY-802,803 Main Technology Parameters:
■ The item from 1 to 5 are the same as the BWY-802,803.
■ Output signal of Pt100 thermal resistance and 4~20 mA electric current signal.