上海 | 江苏 | 浙江 | 安徽 | 福建 | 江西 | 山东 | 山西| 湖北 | 湖南 | 广东 | 广西 | 海南 | 重庆 | 四川 | 贵州 | 云南
数字隔膜计量泵.最大流量:150L/H,直接输入并液晶显示投加流量,慢模式减慢吸入冲程,可以高精度投加黏度特别高的介质,由于配备了强大的步进马达,DD1 222以无与伦比的精度,稳定性和有效性进行投加.,使用于多种应用,触点或模拟量信号控制,并带N/O信号输出功能.- Power : 200 - 230V, 50/60Hz,
Grundfos is embarking on a new era in dosing technology with a brand new generation of pumps
Inbligent dosing pumps with new drive and adjustment mechanisms represent the ideal solution for increasingly complex dosing applications: Featuring state-of-the art drive technology, a whole new dimension in user-friendly operation and an inbligent FlowControl system, the new SMART Digital dosing pumps are extremely precise, reliable and cost-effective - combined with the best possible price-perbance ratio.
The models > the perfect solution for all kinds of applications