德国巴斯夫PBT B4300K4/低翘曲
a、强度高、耐疲劳性、蠕变也小(高温条件下也极少有变化) nbsp;
d、对水稳定性:PBT遇水易分解(高温、高湿环境下使用需谨慎) nbsp;
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4030g6 30%玻璃纤维增强材料
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4040g10 50%玻璃纤维增强材料
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4300g10 50%玻璃纤维增强材料
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4300g2 10%玻璃纤维增强材料
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4300g3 15%玻璃纤维增强材料
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4300g4 20%玻璃纤维增强材料
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4300g6 30%玻璃纤维增强材料
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4300gm42 20%玻璃纤维增强材料10%矿物填料
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4300k4 20%玻璃珠
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4300k6 30%玻璃珠
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4300m5 25%矿物填料
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4330g6 30%玻璃纤维增强材料
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4406 应用包括房屋、汽车行业和电气/电子应用
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4406g2 10%玻璃纤维增强材料
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4406g3 15%玻璃纤维增强材料
华韵塑胶PBT玻璃纤维增强30% 高韧性德国巴斯夫b4406g4 20%玻璃纤维增强材料
本公司长期供应PBT(饱和聚酯、聚对苯二甲酸丁酯)工程塑料以下产品 nbsp;
PBTCRISTIN polybutylene terephthalic acid polyester series is made from 1.4 butanediol 1.4 butanediol glycol polycondensation with terephthalic acid PTA or terephthalic acid, and by mixing process made of opalescent translucent to opaque, crystalline thermoplastic polyester resin. Together with PET, they are collectively known as thermoplastic polyesters, or saturated polyesters. Changchun, Taiwan PBT 3030PBT in China is the main consumer sector is electronics, accounting for about 55% , in the automotive sector accounted for about 10% , other sectors accounted for about 35% . With the rapid development of automobile industry and electronics/electrical industry in China, the demand for PBT is also increasing rapidly. The outlook of PBT series products is still very good around 2010. In 2003, b consumption of PBT was about 570,000 T/A (base resin) , mainly in North America, and consumption in Asia was also growing rapidly, driven by demand from the electronics/appliance industry. Global demand for PBT is 200,000 tonnes in North America, 165,000 tonnes in western Europe, 98,000 tonnes in Japan and 188,000 tonnes in the rest of the world. The automotive and electrical and electronic industries account for about 75 per cent of b PBT consumption, while b demand has increased at an average annual rate of 8-10 per cent between 2004 and 2006.