联系人:王伟 电话:0510-88300135 手机:18021193909 Q:2683275776!
ANSI/SOHO S6.5 - 2001 Small Office/Home Office Furniture - Tests SOHO家具测试项目如下:
1:Stability test 稳定性测试
2:Static load test 静态载荷测试
3:Top load ease test – cyclic (5000 cycles) 桌面疲劳载荷测试 (5000 循环)
4:Leg strength test - static 腿强度测试
5:Racking tests 抗搬运扭曲能力测试
6:Interlock test - static 互锁系统强度测试
7:Drop test 跌落测试
8:Lock test 锁测试
9:Extendible element test - cyclic 抽屉疲劳测试
10:Out stop test - cyclic (7500 cycles) 抽屉外挡块疲劳测试 (7500 循环)
11:Rebound test 抽屉反弹测试
12:Adjustable keyboard surfaces and b device supports test – cyclic (2500cycles) 可调节键盘托架和输入装置支撑板疲劳测试(2500循环)
13:Hinged door test 带铰链的门的测试
14:Receding door tests - cyclic 伸缩门疲劳测试
15:Sliding and tambour door test - cyclic 滑动门和卷门疲劳测试
16:Durability test for products with casters - cyclic (2500 cycles) 脚轮疲劳测试 (2500循环)
17:Pull force test 抽屉拉力测试
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