lke-7号钢焊条(super-7) 特 性 耐冲击与金属间磨耗,直接焊于热处理后的cr12mov钢上,可全位置焊接,硬度hrc52~57. impact resistance and bl abrasion, directly welded to the cr12mov after heat treatment, but the b on the steel welding, hardness hrc52-57 用 途 汽车大型模具硬面制做,冷冲模刀口焊接auto giant mould making, cold die cutting hardfaced welding. 规 格 2.6¢ 3.2¢ gnk-7a刃口焊条 特 性 熔敷金属具有高硬度的马氏体组织,耐磨耗耐冲击性能优良,硬度hrc55~58. deposited bl of martensite with high hardness, good abrasion resistance, impact resistant perbance of hardness hrc55 ~ 58. 用 途 切模,冲压模具的刃口焊材, lke-7号钢焊条(super-7) 特 性 耐冲击与金属间磨耗,直接焊于热处理后的cr12mov钢上,可全位置焊接,硬度hrc52~57. impact resistance and bl abrasion, directly welded to the cr12mov after heat treatment, but the b on the steel welding, hardness hrc52-57 用 途 汽车大型模具硬面制做,冷冲模刀口焊接auto giant mould making, cold die cutting hardfaced welding. 规 格 2.6¢ 3.2¢ gnk-7a刃口焊条 特 性 熔敷金属具有高硬度的马氏体组织,耐磨耗耐冲击性能优良,硬度hrc55~58. deposited bl of martensite with high hardness, good abrasion resistance, impact resistant perbance of hardness hrc55 ~ 58. 用 途 切模,冲压模具的刃口焊材,