滑雪的注意事项: 1、滑雪前要了解雪道的长、宽、高、坡度和走向,以免滑行中一旦出现意外而措手不及。 2、根据自身水平选择雪道,切不可对自己估计过高。 3、要了解雪场的气候特点和天气状况,注意天气突变。 4、滑雪时中途不能停在陡坡下,要停在较缓的雪道边上,并注意上面滑下来的滑雪者。 5、滑行时如对前方情况不明或感觉滑雪器材有异常,应及时检查。 6、滑行时注意拉开距离,不可追赶同伴,以免摔倒或相撞。 7、如果在滑行中失控跌倒,要L刻降低,向后坐,不要随意挣扎,可举起四肢、屈身,任其下滑,避免头朝下,G要J对避免翻滚。 8、发现有人受伤,切勿随意搬动,应M上报告雪场管理人员。
Precautions for skiing: 1. Know the length, b, height, slope and direction of the ski slopes before skiing, so as to avoid being caught off guard in case of accidents during skiing. 2. Choose the snowy road according to your own level, and never overestimate yourself. 3. Understand the climate characteristics and weather conditions of the ski resort, and pay attention to sudden changes in weather. 4. When skiing, you can't stop at the steep slope, but stop at the edge of the gentle snowy road, and pay attention to the skiers who slide down on it. 5. When taxiing, if the situation ahead is unknown or ski equipment is abnormal, check it in time. 6, pay attention to distance when sliding, don't chase companion, so as not to fall or collide. 7. If you fall out of control during taxiing, you should lower your center of gravity for a moment, sit back, don't struggle at will, but lift your limbs, bend down, and let them slide, avoiding head-down, while G needs J to avoid rolling. 8. If someone is found injured, do not move it at will, but report it to the management personnel of the ski resort.
一般投资建设滑雪场,大部分人关心的问题就是造雪机的选择,YQ是面对目前市场上众多的造雪机品牌,在选择上G是无从下手,今天就来教下大家可以从以下几点去考虑造雪机哪种好? 1、部件的了解 产品的部件关乎着产品的性能,所以我们要先从造雪机的主要部件去进行DB,如空压机、喷嘴、核子器、是否有加热装置等,一般造雪系统的稳定性是由空压机决定的,所以针对不同品牌的造雪机,空压机可着重了解下,其次就是DB喷嘴、核子器是否会有堵塞等现象。对于东北客户,要着重DBH心部件是否有加热装置,以免造雪机在造雪过程中出现结冰现象. 2、射程、造雪量、雪质 购买造雪机的直接目的就是为了造雪,所以射程、造雪量、雪质等是可以直接从厂家询问到的数据,一般滑雪场对雪质的要求是松软干燥,成粉状、含水量低。所以在选择造雪机时,要避免造出雨夹雪的机器,好的方法就是直接去厂里试机,以F卖家夸大宣传。 3、产品服务 产品服务也是检验厂家实力的一个标准,这里的产品服务不但指售后,也包括售前和售后,只有有实力的厂家才能为客户提供性能稳定的好产品及好的服务。