WBL/WDB400锅炉控制器和WCM/WDC400冷凝显示器代表在最新的技术和创新的技术进步 ,从Walchem。 All of the standard features you'd expect in conventional boiler controllers/condensate monitors are included, plus optional simple-to-use inbation management tools that enable water treatment professionals to deliver more effective service to their customers.. 你所期望的,在传统的锅炉控制器/冷凝水监测的标准功能都包含,加上可选的简单易用的信息管理工具,使水处理专家,向他们的客户提供更有效的服务..
The WBL/WDB/WCM/WDC400 Controllers have the ability to store conductivity and temperature values, water usage, relay status, and user settings. WBL/WDB/WCM/WDC400控制器能够存储电导率和温度值,以及用水,继电器状态,和用户设置。 A USB memory stick is all that's needed to extract the inbation. 一个USB记忆棒是所有的需要提取信息。 Download logs from the USB stick to a PC at your convenience, or copy your preferred treatment program settings to another controller to speed start-up. 从USB记忆棒,方便您的PC下载日志,或您的首选治疗方案设置复制到另一个控制器,以加速启动 。 It couldn't be easier! 它不能简单!
Key benefits: 主要优点:
Ensure Optimal Perbance and Maximum Efficiency 确保最佳性能和最高的效率
Precise control of conductivity and chemical feed inhibits corrosion, solids precipitation and scale build-up. 导电性和化学饲料的精确控制,抑制腐蚀,固体沉淀和结 垢。 Unique time proportional blowdown feature saves energy by reducing water consumption. 独特的时间成正比的排污功能,节省能源,减少用水量。
More Inbative Monthly Reports 更多信息月报
Download stored data from the controller to a USB flash stick.下载存储从控制器到USB闪存盘的数据。 Use the data to easily develop reports that show actual water usage, system conductivity, temperature and more.使用的数据报告显示实际用水量,系统的电导率,温度和更方便地开发。
Efficient Customer Service 高效的客户服务
Quickly identify system upsets by knowing exactly what happened and when.知道到底发生了什么事时,快速识别系统冷门。 An event log can be downloaded to bl you precisely when pumps turned on, valves opened and when the boiler was offline.可以下载一个事件日志,准确地告诉你,当泵开启,阀门打开,当锅炉脱机。
Validation and Verification Made Easy 确认和验证!
Use stored data from the controller to simply and easily validate water treatment results.使用从控制器中存储的数据,以简单和容易验证水的治疗效果。 The data and event logs show water usage, system conductivity and temperature, as well as accumulated chemical feed and blowdown times.数据和事件日志显示水的使用,系统的电导率和温度,以及积累的化学饲料和排污倍。
Save Time 节省时间
Copy the user settings from your controller to a USB flash stick and upload to a new controller.从控制器的用户设置复制到USB闪存盘,并上传到一个新的控制器。 Programming your new controller this way can be accomplished in seconds.您的新的控制器编程,这种方式可以在几秒钟内完成。 It's that simple!就这么简单!